Gym - 102058M (Coke Challenge(模拟))
Mr. Jeong really loves coke. He loves so much that he drinks coke everyday without exception. One day, he decided to open a coke contest in Daejeon. To the winner, a box of cokes will be given!
N people participate in the contest. Each participant is given K mL of coke, and the one who finishes his/her coke earliest wins the contest. But it is painful to drink the whole coke in one time, so each person repeats drinking and taking a rest. More specifically, as soon as the contest starts, the ith participant starts to drink for ti seconds, then takes a rest for si seconds, and repeats this process until no more coke remains. Moreover, everyone drinks A mL per second. The contest is over if one of the participants finished his/her coke.
Given the infomation of N participants, determine after how many seconds the contest is finished, since the contest begins.
The input starts with the first line containing three integers N (2?≤?N?≤?1000), K (1?≤?K?≤?10000), and A (1?≤?A?≤?100). The ith of the next N lines contains two integers ti (1?≤?ti?≤?100) and si (1?≤?si?≤?100), the information of ith participant. K is a multiple of A.
Write a single integer, the answer to the question.

2 100 1 10 5 5 10


4 100 2 30 30 49 2 50 50 20 10

【Gym - 102058M (Coke Challenge(模拟))】Output

题意分析: 有一个喝汽水比赛,每个人喝 t 秒后必须休息 s 秒, 一共K毫升汽水,每秒可以喝 a 毫升,一旦有一个人喝完汽水,比赛结束,求比赛结束的时间。
解题思路: 对每个人喝完时间进行比较,找出最短的那一个, 如果一个人喝完汽水,那后面的等待时间就不用有。
第一次 sum=(s+t)*(k/t); 后面的 k/t 没加括号错了1次。
#include #include using namespace std; int main() { int n, k, a, ans, sum, t, s; while(scanf("%d%d%d", &n ,&k, &a)!=EOF) { ans=99999999; k/=a; while(n--) { scanf("%d%d", &t, &s); sum=(s+t)*(k/t); if(k%t==0) sum-=s; else sum+=k%t; ans=min(ans, sum); } printf("%d\n", ans); } return 0; }
