【vim 命令整理(从FreePlane的mm格式导出)】~ Vim
- 修改记录
- 2012年1月16日23:40:56创建
- ver1:
Vim Commands and shortcuts
By : Joe Martinez
- ver1:
- 2012年1月23日18:02:10修改增加
- 根据Vim Keymapping.jpg进行修改增加
- 2012年4月3日8:52:43
- 对一些超级有用的加红以强调
- 2013年3月25日14:57:48
- 从早上六点半开始复习与练习,到增加对“"+”[ydp]{motion}的理解,现在使用gvim应该可以达到与ue一样的效果了
- 2012年1月16日23:40:56创建
- Macros
- qa := start recoding a macro in register a([a-zA-Z0-9])
- q := end recording
- @a := replay macro in register a([a-zA-Z0-9])
- :reg := view contents of registers
- Multi-File
- :e filename := edit a file in new buffer
- :enew := new file
- :bn := go to next buffer
- :bd := delete a buffer (close file)
- :sp fn := open a file in new buffer and split window
- c-w -window commands
- c-w s := split windows horizontally
- c-w v := split windows vertically
- c-w w := switch windows
- c-w c := close window
- c-w q := quit a window
- Tab Commands
- :tabe fn := edit file in new tab
- gt := next tab
- gT := previous tab
- :tabr :=first tab
- :tabl := last tab
- :tabm[N] := move current tab after tab N
- :tabdo command := do command in all tabs
- :tabnew := open a new tab
- c-PgUp := switch to tab on right
- c-PgDown := switch to tab on left
- Exiting
- :w := save
- :wq := save and quit
- :x := save and quit
- :q := quit, but buffer is unsaved
- :q! :=quit, without warning
- Search/Replace
- /pattern := search for pattern
- ?pattern := search backwards for pattern
- n := repeat search in same direction
- N := repeat search in opposite direction
- :%s/old/new/gc := replace(s) all old with new and confirm(c) each one throught(g) file
- % : move to matching bracket from under cursor(括号配对)
- :#, &s/old/new/g := do replace in line # to &
- Visual Mode
- Marking Text
- v := start visual mode
- V := start linewise visual mode
- c-v := start blockwise visual mode
- o := move the other end of marked area
- U := upper case of marked area
- O := move to other corner of block
- aw := mark a word
- ab := a block with parens (braces) (paren:括号 brace:大括号)
- aB := a block with brackets (curly braces) ( bracket: 方括号)
- ib := inner () block
- iB := inner {} block
- Commands
- > := shift right
- < := shift left
- y := yank (mean copy)
- d := delete
- ~ := switch case
- Marking Text
- Cut and Paste
- dd := delete (cut) a line
- dw := delete current word
- x := delete current character
- X := delete previous character
- D := delete to end of line
- yy := yank (copy a line)
- yw := yank word
- y$ := yank to end of line
- p := put the clipboard after cursor / current line
- P := put the clipboard befoe cursor /current line
- ]p := put the clipboard at the proper indentation (proper:适当的 indentation:缩进)
- [p := put the clipboard at the ?
- "a := use a register named a for the next yank / paste operation
- "[+*]y{motion}:= copy to host clipboard,"motion"可以进行的移动
- "+y2w : 复制光标所在的两个单词(后的)到系统的剪贴版
"+d2b : 删除光标所在的两个单词(前的)到系统的剪贴版
应该说:“"+”是代码向vim进程外或向vim进程内与系统的剪贴板进行操作,这个操作可以是复制(y); 可以是剪切(d); 可以是粘贴(p)。并且这个动作还可以增加相应的范围(如"+y2w,"+d4b,5e)(p时没有范围)!!!
- "+y2w : 复制光标所在的两个单词(后的)到系统的剪贴版
- "[+*]p := paste from the host clipboard
- :#,&d := delete from line # to &
- "[a-zA-Z0-9]dd := delete to register(同样的动作对于拷贝与粘贴也是启作用的)
- Code Folding
- zo := open fold
- zc := close fold
- zr := reduce fold level
- zm := increase fold level
- zR := reduce all folds
- zM := increase all folds
- zj := move to next fold downward
- zk := move to next fold upward
- zd := delete fold
- zE := delete all folds
- zf#j := create fold of # lines below cursors
- :#, & fold := create fold betweeen line # and &
- zfap := create fold of paragraph
- zfa} := create fold in {} brackets
- zfa) := create fold in () brackets
- zfa] := create fold in [] brackets
- zfa> := create fold in <> brackets
- Cursor Movement
- h := left character
- j := next line
- k := previous line
- l := right character
- gk := move cursor up one display line
- gj := move cursor down one display line
- c-f := page down
- c-b := page up
- c-u := page up half a screenful
- c-d := page down half a screenful
- % := jump to matching brace
- w :=jump to end of words(punctuation)
- W := jump by words
- e := jump to end of words(punctuation)
- E := jump to end if words
- b := jump backward by words(punctuation)
- B := jump backward by words
- 0 := start of line
- ^ := first character of line
- $ := end of line
- gg := go to first line
- gd := go to def of the function or var under the cursor
- [N]G := go to line N or last line
- fx := move the cursor forword to the next occurrence of character x on the current line
- ; := repeat last command
- tx := like fx but move right before the character
- Fx := move the cursor backwards to the next occurrence of x
- ),( := move the cursor to next, previous sentence
- * := read the string under the cursor and go to next occurrence(这个对我来说太重要了2013年3月25日7:21:06)
- # := same as * but gose to previous occurrence
- `. := go to line last edited
- Screenwise
- H := move the cursor to the Highest line on the screen
- M := .........................................Middle....................................
- L := .........................................Lowest...................................
- Bookmarks
- m[a~zA-Z] := make a make named [a~z]at the current cursor position
- '[a~zA-Z] := go to bookmard [a~z] (backtick : 重音符, not single quote)
- :marks := show all marks
- c-g := show current position in file
- f := show line nubers
- Insert Mode
- i := insert mode at cursor
- I := insert at the beginning of line
- a := append after the cursor
- A := append at the end of the line
- o := open blank line below current line
- O := open blank line above current line
- ESC := exit insert mode
- Completions(type a few chars then)
- c-n := next completion
- c-p := previous completion
- Editing
- r := replace a single character(!insert mode)
- J := join line below to the current line
- cc := change an entire line
- cw := change to the end of word
- c$ := change to the end of line
- s := delete character at cursor and substitude next
- S := delete line at cursor and substitude next
- xp := transpose to letters
- u := undo
- c-r := redo
- . := repeat last command
- ~ := switch case
- g~iw := switch case of current word
- gUiw := make current word uppercase
- guiw := make current word lowercase
- >> := indent line one columm right
- << := indent line one column left
- == := auto-indent current line
- ci[")}]>'] := replace between "",(),{},{},<>,''
- cit := replace between XML/HTML tag pair
- Panes
- :vnew := split window/pane vertically
- :new := split window/pane horizontally
- c + [HJKL] := move cursor in windows like
- c + [+-><] :=Increase/Decrease current pane height or width
- c + _ := give all vertical space to current pane
- c + | := give all horizontally space for all panes
- c + = := evenly distrubute space for all panes
- Miscellaneous
- u := undo
- U := restore line
- J := join line below to current line
- . := repeat last command
- External Calls
- :! command := excute an external command in the shell
- :r file := insert the contents of file at cursor position
- :r !command := insert output of command at cursor position
- 数学复习
- 1 + 1 = ?
- good example
- :tabdo %s/gbk/utf-8/g :=在所有标签中执行全局替换动作(2012年1月21日21:45:01)
- map
i =strftime("%Y年%m月%d %H:%M:%S") "插入时间(2012年4月2日21:13:16)
- oeasy教您玩转vim - 89 - # 高亮细节Highlight
- oeasy教您玩转vim - 88 - # 自动命令autocmd
- oeasy教您玩转vim - 87 - # 内容查找grep命令
- oeasy教您玩转vim - 85 - # 全局命令
- oeasy教您玩转vim - 84 - # 命令command
- oeasy教您玩转vim - 82 - # 函数function
- oeasy教您玩转vim - 81 - # 宏macro的进阶
- oeasy教您玩转vim - 80 - # 宏macro
- oeasy教您玩转vim - 79 - # 编码格式encoding