Object oriented classes work much like classes in other languages. Learn how to create them and use them, learn the difference between class variables and instance variables, creating class methods, and learn how to create classes that inherit from other classes.,
【[Python] Use Python Classes】
#ball.pyclass Ball:
def __init__(self, radius, color, weight):
self.radius = radius
self.color = color
self.weight = weight"""
from ball import Ball
b = Ball(22, 'red', 10)
"""class Football:
"""A standard, regulation NFL ball"""
def __init__(self, diameter, color, pressure):
self.diameter = diameter
self.color = color
self.pressure = pressuredef inflate(self, psi):
self.pressure = self.pressure + psidef deflate(self, psi):
self.pressure = self.pressure - psi# inherit Football
class PatriotsBall(Football):
def inflate(self, psi):
""" overwrite default method """
self.pressure = self.pressure - psi"""
from ball import PatriotsBall
pb = PatriotsBall(22, 'blue', 10)
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