penguins|penguins spy in the huddle

The Atacama desert in Peru,the most arid in the world. The suprising home of our third and least known penguin... the Humboldt. Sophisticated robotic allow HmboldtCam to patrol the shoreline where the penguins are due to arrive. But they are late-the beach sadly deserted. Then,after days of waiting,they finally arrive. These Humboldts will face their own extraordinary challenges as they struggle to reach their nesting grounds and raise a new generation. They're so shy,they have rarely been filmed, but already HumboldCam is capturing the closest shots ever recorded. It even moves among them without ruffling a feather. Humboldts are the only mainland penguins to live in the tropics. Their survival depends on the Humboldt current that brings both food and cold water to these shores. Like the other penguins,they accept the SpyCam as one of their own,even testing its reaction. But it's only a brief encounter. 本期粉墨登场的是洪堡鹅,沙漠之花,三种鹅中面临的敌人最多的,看记录片的过程感觉这些鹅子们经历了九九八十一难降妖除魔,和各种竞品们搏斗才艰难的生存下来,但是他们有一个很牛很有趣的技能,不笑出声找我发红包,这里先不剧透,慢慢更,下期预告:有着二哈属性的海狗最大的乐趣竟然是——追企鹅!
