看《Peppa|看《Peppa Pig》学英语(三)

  • granny
    与grandmother, grandma一样,都表示“奶奶”
  • copy
    copy有复制的意思,在本集中,它表示模仿; 效法; 仿效,英文解释为:If you copy a person or what they do, you try to do what they do or try to be like them, usually because you admire them or what they have done. 举个例子:

    看《Peppa|看《Peppa Pig》学英语(三)

  • teatime
    (下午或傍晚的)茶点时间,喝茶时间,英文解释为:Teatime is the period of the day when people have their tea. It can be eaten in the late afternoon or in the early part of the evening. [BRIT]
  • finished
    根据上下文语境,表示“吃完啦~”。可以说' I am finished!"或者直接说‘ Finished!’,都可以表示完成了某件事情。
  • oink
  • wave
    表示挥舞,英文解释为:If you wave something, you hold it up and move it rapidly from side to side. 举个例子:
    ? ? I’m going to wave my magic wand and turn you into a frog.
    ? ? 我要挥舞我的魔法棒,把你变成一只青蛙。
  • wand
    魔法棒,英文解释为:A wand is the same as a magic wand .
  • lick
    动词,舔,后面可以接上介词,如lick up, lick off等,举个例子:
    ? ? The cat licked up the milk.
    ? ? 猫咪把牛奶舔光了。
  • cough
    ? ? Coughs and sneezes spread infections much faster in a warm atmosphere...
    ? ? 在温暖的环境中,咳嗽和喷嚏传播疾病的速度要快得多。
  • plaster
  • tummy
    ? ? I've got a sore tummy.
    ? ? 我肚子疼
? ? 拓展一下,反胃/想吐,可以用 tummy upset 这个词组表示,举个例子:
? ? ? ? It's easy to get a tummy unpset from river water.
? ? ? ? 喝河里的水很容易闹肚子。
  • tickle
    使发痒,使难受,英文解释为:If something tickles you or something tickles, it causes an irritating feeling by lightly touching a part of your body.举个例子:
    ? ? A beard doesn't scratch, it just tickles.
    ? ? 下巴上的胡子不刮人,就是叫人痒痒。
  • rumble
    ? ? Her stomach rumbled. She hadn't eaten any breakfast.
    ? ? 她没有吃早餐,肚子咕噜作响。
  • hide-and-seek
    捉迷藏,玩捉迷藏的游戏,play hide-and-seek
  • curtain
  • be in a hurry to do something
  • off you go
    You can leave now. 那你们可以走啦~
  • finish sth(food, meal, cake...)
    表示吃完……,本集中,Granny Pig说,‘Are you sure you've completely finished your cake?’,意思就是你们确定已经吃完蛋糕了吗?
  • 【看《Peppa|看《Peppa Pig》学英语(三)】**take **sb's remperature
  • hide-and-seek
  • it's one's turn to do sth
    ? ? It's my turn to cook tonight.
    ? ? 今晚轮到我做饭
在英语中,想表达“我也是”,除了“me too"之外,还可以用**so + 助动词/be动词/情态动词 + 主语 **这个语法结构。比如以下几个句子:
  • 情景1:
    A: I love chocolate cake so much. (我超级喜欢巧克力蛋糕!)
    B: So do I. (我也是!)
  • 情景2:
    A: I am really good at Math. (我超级擅长数学)
    B: So am I. (我也是)
  • 情景3:
    A:I can cook. (我会做饭)
    B: So can I. (我也会)
如果想要表达“……也不是,……也不”这类表达否定的句子,则要用nor/neither + 助动词/be动词/情态动词 + 主语这个语法结构。如:
I don't like eating vegetables. (我不喜欢吃蔬菜)
Nor do I. (我也不喜欢
以上就是《Peppa Pig》第一季第3-5集的笔记内容,如果你感兴趣,欢迎和我一起学习,也欢迎分享学习心得和体会。
