Day4—Learn|Day4—Learn to let it go

【Day4—Learn|Day4—Learn to let it go】坚持听,再尽力敲出来,多磨磨自己的耳朵吧,总有一天我会突然进步飞速(美好想象脸)
Don't allow your past control your present or your future life.
Whatever happened you must let it go.
Leave the pain of your past behind so it can't ruin your future.
Leave the darkness of your past behind so it can't block the light of your bright future.
Your past is gone.
Whatever happened ,whether unjust,cruel,harsh,whatever the case,reliving the events will never do you any good.
If someone did you wrong,the only way you can win is if you let it go and move on.
If you live in hate,they win.
If you live in the victim story,they win.
If you want to win,you must focus on building your future and start right now.
Release that weight from your back so you can be free.
Don't allow events from the past which are now gone to ruin this moment which is perfect.
This moment which is now to enjoy,which is ready rich for you to live fully.
