unsw|comp3311 辅导 week4

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    • In operator may be wrong
    • Division
    • Partitions
    • recursive queries
    • plpgsql
    • 学习一门语言要注意的地方

In operator may be wrong
SELECT * FROM suppliers WHERE supplier_name IN ('Microsoft', 'Oracle', 'Flowers Foods'); SELECT * FROM suppliers WHERE supplier_name = 'Microsoft' OR supplier_name = 'Oracle' OR supplier_name = 'Flowers Foods';

unsw|comp3311 辅导 week4

Division division 是如何达到使用except代表的功能的?
unsw|comp3311 辅导 week4

Division (cont)
Not all SQL implementations provide a division operator
But can be achieved by combination of existing operations
Example: Find bars that each sell all of the beers Justin likes.
SELECT DISTINCT a.bar FROMSells a WHERENOT EXISTS ( (SELECT beer FROM Likes WHERE drinker = 'Justin') EXCEPT (SELECT beer FROM Sells b WHERE bar = a.bar) );

Partitions 和group by的区别,就是partition原来有多少row,处理之后还有多少row,而且可使用的函数也更多。
partition 使用
recursive queries 难理解,在很多层级结构的数据库中使用。
plpgsql 一种嵌入在dbms中的过程式语言
学习一门语言要注意的地方 数据类型
if else
PLpgSQL constants and variables can be defined using:
【unsw|comp3311 辅导 week4】standard SQL data types (CHAR, DATE, NUMBER, …)
user-defined PostgreSQL data types (e.g. Point)
a special structured record type (RECORD)
table-row types (e.g. Branches%ROWTYPE or simply Branches)
types of existing variables (e.g. Branches.location%TYPE)
There is also a CURSOR type for interacting with SQL.
Variables can also be defined in terms of:
the type of an existing variable or table column
the type of an existing table row (implict RECORD type)
quantity INTEGER;
start_qty quantity%TYPE;
employee Employees%ROWTYPE;
– or
employee Employees;
name Employees.name%TYPE;
unsw|comp3311 辅导 week4
