public interface Continuation {
* The context of the coroutine that corresponds to this continuation.
public val context: CoroutineContext/**
* Resumes the execution of the corresponding coroutine passing a successful or failed [result] as the
* return value of the last suspension point.
public fun resumeWith(result: Result)
//Base class for [CoroutineContext.Element] implementations.
abstract class AbstractCoroutineContextElement{
public override val key: Key<*>
}: Element
class CoroutineName(val name: String): AbstractCoroutineContextElement(CoroutineName.Key){
companion object Key: CoroutineContext.Key//伴生对象
override fun toString(): String = "CoroutineName($name)"
fun test(){
}class MyContinuation() : Continuation {
//绑定上下文,这里我故意设置两个name ,我就是玩儿
override val context: CoroutineContext = CoroutineName("Co-01") + CoroutineName("Co-02")
override fun resumeWith(result: Result) {
与CoroutineName("Co-01") + CoroutineName("Co-02")
我立即意识到它重载了操作符,立马点开CoroutineContext源码,当场逮捕如下两个方法public operator fun get(key: Key): E?
public operator fun plus(context: CoroutineContext): CoroutineContext
不知道你们想到了吗?如果没想到说明对kotlin语法还不太熟悉哦 ~
CoroutineContex分析 伪代码结构
public interface CoroutineContext {
//重载get 实现context[key]用法
public operator fun get(key: Key): E?public fun fold(initial: R, operation: (R, Element) -> R): R
//重载plus 实现 + ,返回值是 CoroutineContext 类型。
//override val context: CoroutineContext = CoroutineName("Co-01") + CoroutineName("Co-02")
public operator fun plus(context: CoroutineContext): CoroutineContext...
public fun minusKey(key: Key<*>): CoroutineContext
//[CoroutineContext] 元素的键。 [E] 是一种具有此键的元素。E必须是Element的子类型,约等于 E extends Element.
public interface Key// Element是上下文的元素接口,这里挺有意思它竟然也实现了CoroutineContext
public interface Element : CoroutineContext {
* 一个抽象属性,让子类必须提供的,就是key么。标识
public val key: Key<*>
public override operator fun get(key: Key): E? =
if (this.key == key) this as E else nullpublic override fun fold(initial: R, operation: (R, Element) -> R): R =
operation(initial, this)public override fun minusKey(key: Key<*>): CoroutineContext =
if (this.key == key) EmptyCoroutineContext else this
简单总结一下: 虽然Element 也是CoroutineContext 子类,但是它也重写了CoroutineContext 的方法,它跟CoroutineContext直接实现类是有明显区别的。
上下文数据结构 CombinedContext
internal class CombinedContext(
private val left: CoroutineContext,
private val element: Element
) : CoroutineContext, Serializable {override fun get(key: Key): E? {
var cur = this
while (true) {
cur.element[key]?.let { return it }
val next = cur.left
if (next is CombinedContext) {
cur = next
} else {
return next[key]
}public override fun fold(initial: R, operation: (R, Element) -> R): R =
operation(left.fold(initial, operation), element)public override fun minusKey(key: Key<*>): CoroutineContext {
element[key]?.let { return left }
val newLeft = left.minusKey(key)//递归到最原始的节点的left就是Element,如果命中相等就是EmptyCoroutineContext。
return when {
newLeft === left -> this//如果没命中
newLeft === EmptyCoroutineContext -> element
else -> CombinedContext(newLeft, element)
}private fun size(): Int {
var cur = this
var size = 2
while (true) {
cur = cur.left as? CombinedContext ?: return size
}private fun contains(element: Element): Boolean =
get(element.key) == elementprivate fun containsAll(context: CombinedContext): Boolean {
var cur = context
while (true) {
if (!contains(cur.element)) return false
val next = cur.left
if (next is CombinedContext) {
cur = next
} else {
return contains(next as Element)
}override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
this === other || other is CombinedContext && other.size() == size() && other.containsAll(this)override fun hashCode(): Int = left.hashCode() + element.hashCode()override fun toString(): String =
"[" + fold("") { acc, element ->
if (acc.isEmpty()) element.toString() else "$acc, $element"
} + "]"
实现 CoroutineContext接口代表列表,实现CoroutineContext.Element的是添加到列表里的元素
CombinedContext 是一个递归列表,跟我们经常用的List Node节点还有点不太一样。left指向上一个节点,但他们是嵌套关系,element代表当前元素
,新增节点把老节点包起来存在left。跟双链表那种插入元素修改指针指向的方式有明显区别。EmptyCoroutineContext 还有这个数据结构,空上下文。
public object EmptyCoroutineContext : CoroutineContext, Serializable {
private const val serialVersionUID: Long = 0
private fun readResolve(): Any = EmptyCoroutineContextpublic override fun get(key: Key): E? = null
public override fun fold(initial: R, operation: (R, Element) -> R): R = initial
public override fun plus(context: CoroutineContext): CoroutineContext = context
public override fun minusKey(key: Key<*>): CoroutineContext = this
public override fun hashCode(): Int = 0
public override fun toString(): String = "EmptyCoroutineContext"
完整代码分析 开始之前,再来重温一下这段代码
class MyContinuation() : Continuation {
override val context: CoroutineContext = CoroutineName("Co-01") + CoroutineName("Co-02")
override fun resumeWith(result: Result) {
其次CoroutineName 是 Element类型,CombinedContext是私有类。我们不能构造一个CombinedContext赋值给context。
上下文列表的第一个CombinedContext的left 一定是 Element
完整代码 我们从上面的例程出发,来探索一下CoroutineContext的数据结构,此次分析代号K1.
public interface CoroutineContext {//有三处实现,分别是:Element、CombinedContext、EmptyCoroutineContext
public operator fun get(key: Key): E?//有三处实现,分别是:Element、CombinedContext、EmptyCoroutineContext
public fun fold(initial: R, operation: (R, Element) -> R): R//只有这一处实现
//注意:假设CoroutineName("Co-01") + CoroutineName("Co-02") 缩写为:那么下面的this指的是co1context指的是co2
public operator fun plus(context: CoroutineContext): CoroutineContext =
if (context === EmptyCoroutineContext) this else // fast path -- avoid lambda creation
//2.首先花2分钟去上面仔细看fold函数的定义,如果看不懂,把 CoroutineContext 当成R类型带入,你就明白下面传this的目的了。
//3.这里简单分析一下第一个参数要求是 CoroutineContext 的对象,这里传了[this]就是当前的上下文对象
//第二个参数是一个函数,所以根据Lambda简化规则,可以直接跟着{...}.两个参数分别是 acc: CoroutineContext,element: Element
//4.想必你也猜出来了,我干脆再强势一点,直接告诉你acc代表[left],element 对应 [element]
//5.注意,这里调用flod的目的仅仅是定义了 Lambda 表达式,但是此处并没有调用这个表达式。我当时也被这个高阶函数搞懵一小下下。//已知co1是Element类型,看下Element::fold的实现,豁然开朗了,继续context.fold(this) { acc, element ->
//acc是co1 ,element元素是[传入的context] co2
val removed = acc.minusKey(element.key)
//EmptyCoroutineContext 返回时表示key相同,直接把新element返回了。即现在的context 就等于 CoroutineName("Co-02")。
//【K1】流程分析到此结束。继续拐回去,分析一下如果继续追加上下文,CoroutineName("Co-02") + DispatcherContext。会发生什么事情。
if (removed === EmptyCoroutineContext) element else {
val interceptor = removed[ContinuationInterceptor]
if (interceptor == null) CombinedContext(removed, element) else {
val left = removed.minusKey(ContinuationInterceptor)
if (left === EmptyCoroutineContext) CombinedContext(element, interceptor) else
CombinedContext(CombinedContext(left, element), interceptor)
public fun minusKey(key: Key<*>): CoroutineContext/**
*Key 标识接口
public interface Key/**
* 上下文链表中元素标识接口
public interface Element : CoroutineContext {
* 这个元素对应的键
public val key: Key<*>/**
public override operator fun get(key: Key): E? =
if (this.key == key) this as E else null/**
* 进行累加的高阶函数。由于element对象不是一个集合对象,所以这里不会递归,只会执行一次 operation
public override fun fold(initial: R, operation: (R, Element) -> R): R =
operation(initial, this)/**
* 如果当前key相等那么返回EmptyCoroutineContext。这个函数寓意就是用来去除key
public override fun minusKey(key: Key<*>): CoroutineContext =
if (this.key == key) EmptyCoroutineContext else this
CoroutineName("Co-02") + DispatcherContext
public operator fun plus(context: CoroutineContext): CoroutineContext =
if (context === EmptyCoroutineContext) this else // fast path -- avoid lambda creation//已知this为co2,是Element类型
context.fold(this) { acc, element ->
//acc是co2 ,element元素是[传入的拦截器]缩写为:DP
val removed = acc.minusKey(element.key)
if (removed === EmptyCoroutineContext) element else {//进到这里。
//查看 Element::get 可知key不相同,remove是Name而element是ContinuationInterceptor,这里返回null
val interceptor = removed[ContinuationInterceptor]
if (interceptor == null) CombinedContext(removed, element) else {
val left = removed.minusKey(ContinuationInterceptor)
if (left === EmptyCoroutineContext) CombinedContext(element, interceptor) else
CombinedContext(CombinedContext(left, element), interceptor)
CoroutineName("Co-02") + DispatcherContext + ExceptionHandlerContext
public operator fun plus(context: CoroutineContext): CoroutineContext =
if (context === EmptyCoroutineContext) this else // fast path -- avoid lambda creation//已知this为CombinedContext(left:co2,element:disp),context 为 ExceptionHandlerContext,Elemnet类型
context.fold(this) { acc, element ->
//acc是CombinedContext(co2,disp) ,element元素是[传入的context] Ex
val removed = acc.minusKey(element.key)//可以去看CombinedContext::minusKey,做了简单注释
if (removed === EmptyCoroutineContext) element else {//没有命中,进到这里。
//查看CombinedContext::get ,找到拦截器dp,
val interceptor = removed[ContinuationInterceptor]
if (interceptor == null) CombinedContext(removed, element) else {
val left = removed.minusKey(ContinuationInterceptor)
if (left === EmptyCoroutineContext) CombinedContext(element, interceptor) else
CombinedContext(CombinedContext(left, element), interceptor)
val context1:CoroutineContext = CoroutineName("Co-01");
val context2:CoroutineContext = DispatcherContext + ExceptionHandlerContext;
override val context: CoroutineContext = context1 + context2;
这样之前的的分析逻辑就全变了。context1 是 element,context2是CombinedContext
public operator fun plus(context: CoroutineContext): CoroutineContext =
if (context === EmptyCoroutineContext) this else // fast path -- avoid lambda creation//已知this为CoroutineName(Element),context 为 CombinedContext(left: dp, element: Ex)
context.fold(this) { acc, element -> //fold 不再是 Element::fold 而是 CombinedContext::fold。
//acc是left.fold(initial, operation),又是递归,fk
这又回到了 Element::fold ==> dp.fold 中 acc:CoroutineName,element this即dp*/
//acc:CoroutineName不包括dp,所以remove 等于 acc:CoroutineName
val removed = acc.minusKey(element.key)
if (removed === EmptyCoroutineContext) element else {//没有命中,进到这里。
val interceptor = removed[ContinuationInterceptor]
//如果没有拦截器,直接加到队尾CombinedContext(CoroutineName, dp) dp.fold 返回了CombinedContext(CoroutineName, dp)
if (interceptor == null) CombinedContext(removed, element) else {
val left = removed.minusKey(ContinuationInterceptor)
if (left === EmptyCoroutineContext) CombinedContext(element, interceptor) else
CombinedContext(CombinedContext(left, element), interceptor)
public override fun fold(initial: R, operation: (R, Element) -> R): R =
operation(left.fold(initial, operation), element)
public override fun fold(initial: R, operation: (R, Element) -> R): R =
operation(initial, this)
public override fun fold(initial: R, operation: (R, Element) -> R): R =
operation(CombinedContext(CoroutineName, dp), element)//element是Ex。
{ acc, element ->
//acc是CombinedContext(CoroutineName, dp),element:ex
//acc不包括 ex ,所以 remove 等于 CombinedContext(CoroutineName, dp)
val removed = acc.minusKey(element.key)
if (removed === EmptyCoroutineContext) element else {//进到这里。
//已知removed代表老列表,即CombinedContext(CoroutineName, dp)
val interceptor = removed[ContinuationInterceptor]//取出dp拦截器这一项
if (interceptor == null) CombinedContext(removed, element) else {
val left = removed.minusKey(ContinuationInterceptor)//CoroutineName
if (left === EmptyCoroutineContext) CombinedContext(element, interceptor) else
//最后的返回值。left :CoroutineName,element : ex , interceptor: dp.【K4】分析结束
CombinedContext(CombinedContext(left, element), interceptor)
结论 1.
CoroutineName("Co-02") + EmptyCoroutineContext
CoroutineName("Co-01") + CoroutineName("Co-02") = CoroutineName("Co-02")
CoroutineName("Co-01") + Dispatchers.Main + ExceptionHandlerCoroutineContext = CoroutineName("Co-01") <- ExceptionHandlerCoroutineContext <- Dispatchers.Main
- 如果context等于empty,那么直接返回element
- 如果context含有与element的key相同的元素,那么context删除老元素,添加新元素。
- 每添加一个新元素后,会检测链表中是否有“拦截器”如果有,则必须把拦截器放在队尾,降低get成本
- 当element为Element的类型时
- context + CoroutineName = CombinedContext(left: context,element: CoroutineName );
- 【CoroutineContext源码分析】当element为CombinedContext时
- (context + CombinedContext(A,B,C)= CombinedContext(left:CombinedContext(left:CombinedContext(left: context,element: A ),element: B),element: C);
- 上面的式子只是想说明,[addAll]操作并不是简单的通过更改链表指针的方式实现,取出目标列表中每一个element,创建新的CombinedContext键入到原来的上下文表中。从头到尾通过递归,全部都是新创建的节点。
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