Android|Android 12(S) 图形显示系统 - Surface 一点补充知识(十二)

必读: Android 12(S) 图形显示系统 - 开篇
一、前言 因为个人工作主要是Android多媒体播放的内容,在工作中查看源码或设计程序经常会遇到调用API:

static inline int native_window_api_connect(struct ANativeWindow* window, int api) static inline int native_window_api_disconnect(struct ANativeWindow* window, int api)


二、native_window_api_connect 解析 Android系统中,开始播放视频并设置Surface后,都会做一次 connectToSurface 的操作,比如MediaCodec中,在初始化阶段setSurface后就会调用方法:
status_t MediaCodec::connectToSurface(const sp &surface) { ... err = nativeWindowConnect(surface.get(), "connectToSurface"); ... }

这里就是去调用了 /frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/SurfaceUtils.cpp中的方法:
status_t nativeWindowConnect(ANativeWindow *surface, const char *reason) { ALOGD("connecting to surface %p, reason %s", surface, reason); status_t err = native_window_api_connect(surface, NATIVE_WINDOW_API_MEDIA); ALOGE_IF(err != OK, "Failed to connect to surface %p, err %d", surface, err); return err; }

是不是看到了 native_window_api_connect ,其中参数 NATIVE_WINDOW_API_MEDIA 表明 video decoder会作为生产者来生成buffer数据。
>>> static inline int native_window_api_connect(struct ANativeWindow* window, int api)
>>> int Surface::hook_perform(ANativeWindow* window, int operation, ...)
>>> int Surface::perform(int operation, va_list args)
>>> int Surface::dispatchConnect(va_list args)
>>> int Surface::connect(int api)
>>> int Surface::connect(int api, const sp& listener)
>>> int Surface::connect(int api, const sp& listener, bool reportBufferRemoval)
>>> status_t BufferQueueProducer::connect(const sp& listener,
int api, bool producerControlledByApp, QueueBufferOutput *output)
Android|Android 12(S) 图形显示系统 - Surface 一点补充知识(十二)

status_t BufferQueueProducer::connect(const sp& listener, int api, bool producerControlledByApp, QueueBufferOutput *output) { ATRACE_CALL(); std::lock_guard lock(mCore->mMutex); mConsumerName = mCore->mConsumerName; // 消费者名字 BQ_LOGV("connect: api=%d producerControlledByApp=%s", api, producerControlledByApp ? "true" : "false"); // 对一些条件进行判断,必要时直接返回return if (mCore->mIsAbandoned) { BQ_LOGE("connect: BufferQueue has been abandoned"); return NO_INIT; }if (mCore->mConsumerListener == nullptr) { BQ_LOGE("connect: BufferQueue has no consumer"); return NO_INIT; }if (output == nullptr) { BQ_LOGE("connect: output was NULL"); return BAD_VALUE; }if (mCore->mConnectedApi != BufferQueueCore::NO_CONNECTED_API) { BQ_LOGE("connect: already connected (cur=%d req=%d)", mCore->mConnectedApi, api); return BAD_VALUE; }int delta = mCore->getMaxBufferCountLocked(mCore->mAsyncMode, mDequeueTimeout < 0 ? mCore->mConsumerControlledByApp && producerControlledByApp : false, mCore->mMaxBufferCount) - mCore->getMaxBufferCountLocked(); if (!mCore->adjustAvailableSlotsLocked(delta)) { BQ_LOGE("connect: BufferQueue failed to adjust the number of available " "slots. Delta = %d", delta); return BAD_VALUE; }int status = NO_ERROR; switch (api) { case NATIVE_WINDOW_API_EGL: case NATIVE_WINDOW_API_CPU: case NATIVE_WINDOW_API_MEDIA: case NATIVE_WINDOW_API_CAMERA: mCore->mConnectedApi = api; output->width = mCore->mDefaultWidth; output->height = mCore->mDefaultHeight; output->transformHint = mCore->mTransformHintInUse = mCore->mTransformHint; output->numPendingBuffers = static_cast(mCore->mQueue.size()); output->nextFrameNumber = mCore->mFrameCounter + 1; output->bufferReplaced = false; output->maxBufferCount = mCore->mMaxBufferCount; if (listener != nullptr) { // Set up a death notification so that we can disconnect // automatically if the remote producer dies #ifndef NO_BINDER if (IInterface::asBinder(listener)->remoteBinder() != nullptr) { status = IInterface::asBinder(listener)->linkToDeath( static_cast(this)); if (status != NO_ERROR) { BQ_LOGE("connect: linkToDeath failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-status), status); } mCore->mLinkedToDeath = listener; } #endif mCore->mConnectedProducerListener = listener; // 设置producer listener mCore->mBufferReleasedCbEnabled = listener->needsReleaseNotify(); } break; default: BQ_LOGE("connect: unknown API %d", api); status = BAD_VALUE; break; } mCore->mConnectedPid = BufferQueueThreadState::getCallingPid(); mCore->mBufferHasBeenQueued = false; mCore->mDequeueBufferCannotBlock = false; mCore->mQueueBufferCanDrop = false; mCore->mLegacyBufferDrop = true; if (mCore->mConsumerControlledByApp && producerControlledByApp) { mCore->mDequeueBufferCannotBlock = mDequeueTimeout < 0; mCore->mQueueBufferCanDrop = mDequeueTimeout <= 0; }mCore->mAllowAllocation = true; // 允许分配 graphic buffer VALIDATE_CONSISTENCY(); return status; }

我才疏学浅,按我理解,就是完成了一些初始化的操作,貌似也没啥了,这之后应该produder就可以 dequeue buffer 了
另外一点,这里有设置producer listener,之前文章中也讲过,貌似也没啥作用(也许我错了)
mCore->mConnectedProducerListener = listener; mCore->mBufferReleasedCbEnabled = listener->needsReleaseNotify();

Android|Android 12(S) 图形显示系统 - Surface 一点补充知识(十二)

三、native_window_api_disconnect 解析 disconnect的调用流程和connect的流程类似。
先看 Surface::disconnect 中做了啥
int Surface::disconnect(int api, IGraphicBufferProducer::DisconnectMode mode) { ATRACE_CALL(); ALOGV("Surface::disconnect"); Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex); mRemovedBuffers.clear(); mSharedBufferSlot = BufferItem::INVALID_BUFFER_SLOT; mSharedBufferHasBeenQueued = false; freeAllBuffers(); int err = mGraphicBufferProducer->disconnect(api, mode); if (!err) { mReqFormat = 0; mReqWidth = 0; mReqHeight = 0; mReqUsage = 0; mCrop.clear(); mScalingMode = NATIVE_WINDOW_SCALING_MODE_FREEZE; mTransform = 0; mStickyTransform = 0; mAutoPrerotation = false; mEnableFrameTimestamps = false; mMaxBufferCount = NUM_BUFFER_SLOTS; if (api == NATIVE_WINDOW_API_CPU) { mConnectedToCpu = false; } } return err; }

freeAllBuffers(); int err = mGraphicBufferProducer->disconnect(api, mode)

freeAllBuffers是把mSlots里面的元素都置为 nullptr
void Surface::freeAllBuffers() { if (!mDequeuedSlots.empty()) { ALOGE("%s: %zu buffers were freed while being dequeued!", __FUNCTION__, mDequeuedSlots.size()); } for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BUFFER_SLOTS; i++) { mSlots[i].buffer = nullptr; } }

本文作者@二的次方2022-03-24 发布于博客园
status_t BufferQueueProducer::disconnect(int api, DisconnectMode mode) { ATRACE_CALL(); BQ_LOGV("disconnect: api %d", api); int status = NO_ERROR; sp listener; { // Autolock scope std::unique_lock lock(mCore->mMutex); if (mode == DisconnectMode::AllLocal) { if (BufferQueueThreadState::getCallingPid() != mCore->mConnectedPid) { return NO_ERROR; } api = BufferQueueCore::CURRENTLY_CONNECTED_API; }mCore->waitWhileAllocatingLocked(lock); if (mCore->mIsAbandoned) { // It's not really an error to disconnect after the surface has // been abandoned; it should just be a no-op. return NO_ERROR; }if (api == BufferQueueCore::CURRENTLY_CONNECTED_API) { if (mCore->mConnectedApi == NATIVE_WINDOW_API_MEDIA) { ALOGD("About to force-disconnect API_MEDIA, mode=%d", mode); } api = mCore->mConnectedApi; // If we're asked to disconnect the currently connected api but // nobody is connected, it's not really an error. if (api == BufferQueueCore::NO_CONNECTED_API) { return NO_ERROR; } }switch (api) { case NATIVE_WINDOW_API_EGL: case NATIVE_WINDOW_API_CPU: case NATIVE_WINDOW_API_MEDIA: case NATIVE_WINDOW_API_CAMERA: if (mCore->mConnectedApi == api) { mCore->freeAllBuffersLocked(); #ifndef NO_BINDER // Remove our death notification callback if we have one if (mCore->mLinkedToDeath != nullptr) { sp token = IInterface::asBinder(mCore->mLinkedToDeath); // This can fail if we're here because of the death // notification, but we just ignore it token->unlinkToDeath( static_cast(this)); } #endif mCore->mSharedBufferSlot = BufferQueueCore::INVALID_BUFFER_SLOT; mCore->mLinkedToDeath = nullptr; mCore->mConnectedProducerListener = nullptr; mCore->mConnectedApi = BufferQueueCore::NO_CONNECTED_API; mCore->mConnectedPid = -1; mCore->mSidebandStream.clear(); mCore->mDequeueCondition.notify_all(); mCore->mAutoPrerotation = false; listener = mCore->mConsumerListener; } else if (mCore->mConnectedApi == BufferQueueCore::NO_CONNECTED_API) { BQ_LOGE("disconnect: not connected (req=%d)", api); status = NO_INIT; } else { BQ_LOGE("disconnect: still connected to another API " "(cur=%d req=%d)", mCore->mConnectedApi, api); status = BAD_VALUE; } break; default: BQ_LOGE("disconnect: unknown API %d", api); status = BAD_VALUE; break; } } // Autolock scope// Call back without lock held if (listener != nullptr) { listener->onBuffersReleased(); listener->onDisconnect(); }return status; }


void BufferQueueCore::freeAllBuffersLocked() { for (int s : mFreeSlots) { clearBufferSlotLocked(s); }for (int s : mFreeBuffers) { mFreeSlots.insert(s); clearBufferSlotLocked(s); } mFreeBuffers.clear(); for (int s : mActiveBuffers) { mFreeSlots.insert(s); clearBufferSlotLocked(s); } mActiveBuffers.clear(); for (auto& b : mQueue) { b.mIsStale = true; b.mAcquireCalled = false; }VALIDATE_CONSISTENCY(); }

【Android|Android 12(S) 图形显示系统 - Surface 一点补充知识(十二)】通知了消费者 listener->onBuffersReleased()and listener->onDisconnect()
消费者响应 onBuffersReleased 也是去free buffer
void ConsumerBase::onBuffersReleased() { Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex); CB_LOGV("onBuffersReleased"); if (mAbandoned) { // Nothing to do if we're already abandoned. return; }uint64_t mask = 0; mConsumer->getReleasedBuffers(&mask); for (int i = 0; i < BufferQueue::NUM_BUFFER_SLOTS; i++) { if (mask & (1ULL << i)) { freeBufferLocked(i); } } }

消费者响应 onDisconnect
void BLASTBufferItemConsumer::onDisconnect() { Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex); mPreviouslyConnected = mCurrentlyConnected; mCurrentlyConnected = false; if (mPreviouslyConnected) { mDisconnectEvents.push(mCurrentFrameNumber); } mFrameEventHistory.onDisconnect(); }


? Android 12 Google将buffer queue组件从SurfaceFlinger端移动到了客户端(旧版本是在BufferQueueLayer中去createBufferQueue的)。 buffer queue组件的创建和初始化也放在BLASTBufferQueue中。通过类名可以看出BLASTBufferQueue更像是buffer queue组件的一层封装或装饰。 ? 通过前面系列文章的分析,可以看到,整个生产消费模型都在客户端,图形缓冲区的出队、入队、获取等操作都在客户端完成,预示着producer -- buffer queue -- consumer 间的通信都变成了本地通信。 ? BLASTBufferQueue需要通过事务Transaction来向SurfaceFlinger端提交Buffer与图层的属性。 ? 如本文讲的 disconnect event 在12平台就无法传递到SurfaceFlinger了。如要传递信息,就要使用 Transaction 传递过去。
不过我还是有个疑问:disconnect过程中,可以看到producer/consumer/surface都有去free buffer,此时,为GraphicBuffer分配的内存真的就释放了吗?
(mSlots[slot].mGraphicBuffer.clear() ormSlots[slotIndex].mGraphicBuffer = nullptr)
Android|Android 12(S) 图形显示系统 - Surface 一点补充知识(十二)

四、小结 感觉没啥说的了,就此结束吧
Android|Android 12(S) 图形显示系统 - Surface 一点补充知识(十二)
