
2009-09-10 9:04

//using namespace std;

int laneri = 12345;
double lanerd = 56789;
//重载1:fmtflags ios_base::setf(fmtflags _Mask);
//重载2:fmtflags ios_base::setf(fmtflags _Mask, fmtflags _Unset);
//可使用的标志:ios::dec, ios::oct, ios::hex, ios::basefield(= dec|oct|hex)
cout.unsetf(ios::dec); //等价1
cout.setf(ios::hex, ios_base::basefield); //等价2
cout< cout< cout< //使用输入输出操纵符也能有等价效果(命名空间使用std::,否则会有多余的字符),注意这种方法其实不止对本句生效

//2、 显示进制前导字符(0、0x)
cout< cout< //3、使用科学记数法
cout< cout< cout< //4、设置小数的浮点/定点显示方式
cout< cout< cout<
//当设置(fixed | scientific)时,precision(n)表示小数点后固定显示n位小数
//当不设置(fixed & scientific)时,precision(n)表示固定显示n位数字
// 其中,当是整数且位数m小于n,而又没有设置showpoint的时候,只显示m位整数。例如:precision(3),12->12
// 其中,当是整数且位数p大于n,无论设置showpoint与否,都四舍五入后使用科学计数法。例如:precision(3),1234->1.23e+003
cout< cout<
//例:不设fixed,precision(6): 1234567->1.23457E+006; 12345->12345.0; 123456->123456.
//设fixed,precision(6): 1234567->1234567.000000; 12345->12345.000000; 123456->123456.000000
cout< cout< //7、设置屏幕上的最小显示宽度
//例如:cout< cout.width(12);
cout< //8、显示对齐方式,默认为左对齐
cout< cout< //9、设置不足显示宽度时的填充字符,默认为' '
cout< =====================================================================
*dec, to insert or extract integer values in decimal format.
*hex, to insert or extract integer values in hexadecimal format.
*oct, to insert or extract integer values in octal format.
*showbase, to insert a prefix that reveals the base of a generated integer field.
*internal, to pad to a field width as needed by inserting fill characters at a point internal to a generated numeric field. (For information on setting the field width, see setw).
*left, to pad to a field width as needed by inserting fill characters at the end of a generated field (left justification).
*right, to pad to a field width as needed by inserting fill characters at the beginning of a generated field (right justification).
*boolalpha, to insert or extract objects of type bool as names (such as true and false) rather than as numeric values.
*fixed, to insert floating-point values in fixed-point format (with no exponent field).
*scientific, to insert floating-point values in scientific format (with an exponent field).
*showpoint, to insert a decimal point unconditionally in a generated floating-point field.
*showpos, to insert a plus sign in a nonnegative generated numeric field.
*skipws, to skip leading white space before certain extractions.
*unitbuf, to flush output after each insertion.
*uppercase, to insert uppercase equivalents of lowercase letters in certain insertions.
*adjustfield, a bitmask defined as internal | left | right
*basefield, defined as dec | hex | oct
*floatfield, defined as fixed | scientific
