javascript Promise底层实现

class Promise { constructor(handle) { if (typeof handle !== "function") { throw new Error("promise must accept a function as a parameter"); }// 定义三种状态配置 this.STATUS = { PENDING: "pending", FULFILLED: "fulfilled", REJECTED: "rejected" }; // 初始化状态 this._status = this.STATUS.PENDING; // 初始化值 this._value =; // 成功状态需要执行的任务队列 this._fulfilledQueues = []; // 失败状态需要执行的任务队列 this._rejectedQueues = []; // 执行handle try { handle(this._resolve.bind(this), this._reject.bind(this)); } catch (err) { this._reject(err); } }// ==="[object Promise]" get [Symbol.toStringTag](){ return "Promise" }_runMicroTask(callback) { // 使用浏览器MutationObserver WEB.API实现then方法的微任务机制 let count = 0; const observer = new MutationObserver(callback); // 创建文本节点,节约资源 const textNode = document.createTextNode(String(count)); observer.observe(textNode, { // 当文本改变时触发回调 characterData: true }); // 改变文本,回调callback触发 =; }_resolve(val) { if (this._status !== this.STATUS.PENDING) return; const onFulfilled = v => { this._status = this.STATUS.FULFILLED; this._value =; let cb; while ((cb = this._fulfilledQueues.shift())) { cb(v); } }; const onRejected = err => { this._status = this.STATUS.REJECTED; this._value =; let cb; while ((cb = this._rejectedQueues.shift())) { cb(err); } }; // 依次执行成功队列中的函数,并清空队列 const run = () => { if (val instanceof Promise) { // 如果入参是一个Promise,则val的status及value值决定了当前promise实例的status和value值 val.then(onFulfilled, onRejected); } else { onFulfilled(val); } }; this._runMicroTask(run); }_reject(val) { if (this._status !== this.STATUS.PENDING) return; // 依次执行失败队列中的函数,并清空队列 const run = () => { this._status = this.STATUS.REJECTED; this._value =; let cb; while ((cb = this._rejectedQueues.shift())) { cb(val); } }; this._runMicroTask(run); }then(onFulfilled, onRejected) { // then支持链式调用,返回一个新的promise return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const handleResolve = value => { try { if (typeof onFulfilled !== "function") { // 如果onFulfilled不是函数,则直接返回当前promise的value值 resolve(value); } else { const res = onFulfilled(value); // Promise.prototype 是否存在于res的原型链上,是则说明res是Promise实例 if (res instanceof Promise) { res.then(resolve, reject); } else { resolve(res); } } } catch (err) { reject(err); } }; const handleReject = value => { try { if (typeof onRejected !== "function") { // 如果onFulfilled不是函数,则直接返回当前promise的value值 resolve(value); } else { const res = onRejected(value); if (res instanceof Promise) { res.then(resolve, reject); } else { resolve(res); } } } catch (err) { reject(err); } }; switch (this._status) { case this.STATUS.PENDING: this._fulfilledQueues.push(handleResolve); this._rejectedQueues.push(handleReject); break; case this.STATUS.FULFILLED: handleResolve(this._value); break; case this.STATUS.REJECTED: handleReject(this._value); break; } }); }catch(onRejected) { return this.then(null, onRejected); }// 添加静态resolve方法 static resolve(value) { // 如果参数是MyPromise实例,直接返回这个实例 if (value instanceof Promise) return value; return new Promise(resolve => resolve(value)); }// 添加静态reject方法 static reject(err) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => reject(err)); }// 添加静态all方法,所有promise入参状态发生改变后才改变状态 static all(list) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const length = list.length; let count = 0; let values = []; // // entries返回数组的键值对[[index, value]...] // for (let [i, p] of list.entries()) { // // } for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { const promise = list[i]; promise.then( res => { // promise有可能异步执行resolve,不能用push values[i] = res; count++; if (count === length) { resolve(values); } }, err => { // 只要子元素promise中有任何一个reject,则返回的promise rejected reject(err); } ); } }); }// 添加静态race方法 static race(list) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { for (let p of list) { // 只要有一个实例率先改变状态,新的MyPromise的状态就跟着改变 this.resolve(p).then( res => { resolve(res); }, err => { reject(err); } ); } }); }/*finally() 方法返回一个Promise。 在promise结束时,无论结果是fulfilled或者是rejected,都会执行指定的回调函数。 这为在Promise是否成功完成后都需要执行的代码提供了一种方式。 这避免了同样的语句需要在then()和catch()中各写一次的情况。*/ finally(handle) { return this.then( value => { handle(); return Promise.resolve(value); }, err => { handle(); return Promise.reject(err); } ); } }// console.log(Promise.resolve) // // new Promise((res, rej) => setTimeout(() => rej(777)), 1000) // //.then(res => console.log({res}), err => console.log(1, err)) // //.then(res => console.log({res}), err => console.log(2, err)) // // console.log(Promise.resolve(Promise.resolve(222))) // // // // new Promise((res, rej) => rej(666)) // //.then(res => console.log({res}), err => new Promise(res => setTimeout(() => res (123),3000))) // //.then(res => console.log({then2: res}), err => console.log(2, err)) // // new Promise((res, rej) => res(new Promise((r, err) => err(857)))) //.then(null, e => new Promise(res => res(111))) //.then(a => console.log({a})).catch(cat => console.log({cat}))console.log("哇哈哈"); setTimeout(() => { console.log("setTimeout"); }, 0); new Promise((res, rej) => { rej(111); }) .finally(() => { console.log("执行finally"); }) .then(null, err => console.log({ err })); console.log("666"); if (window) { console.log("you dinwow"); }
