Word|Word Power Made Easy 英语说文解字 Day 11

15 How to talk about what goes on
1. to enervate 使衰弱
e- = outnervus = nerve 神经被扯出来了 彻底地失去活力
energy en- = inergon = work 功 物理学
synergism syn = together or with 合作synergy
synergistically 协同地
2. to castigate 严厉批评
同义词 rail at, rant at, slash at, lash out at, tongue lash
程度轻一些的 scold, criticize, rebuke, censure, reprimand, berate
3. to self-abnegate 自我牺牲
ab- = away,nego = to deny,neg- = not, noaio = I saysay no to what you want
negate 否认事实和某些食物的存在
4. to recapitulate 概括,重述要点
caput, capitis = headcaptain, capital, decapitate 砍头
capitulum = a little head, by extension, the heading, or title of a chapter
capitulate 投降,停止反抗,屈服
5. to vegetate 无所事事地生活,过单调生活,植物、种子生长发芽
vegetation 植被,单调呆板的生活
6. to simulate 假装,冒充,模仿
simulo = copysimilis = like or similar
dissimulation 掩饰,虚伪,装糊涂dissimulatedissimulator 伪君子
dissemble 掩饰,掩盖,假装dissemblance
7. to intimate 暗示
intimus = innermost 内心的,最里面的,最深处的
8. to alleviate 减轻,缓和
ad- = tolevis = light
elevate raise out raise up 提升,举起elevator
levitate rise in the air as if floatinglevitation 升空,漂浮
levitybehaviour that shows a lack of respect for sth serious and that treats it in an amusing way 轻浮
9. to commiserate 怜悯,同情
miser = wretched 悲惨的,可怜的
miser, miserly, miserable, misery
10. to vacillate 犹豫,踌躇
vacillo = swing back and forth 前后摆动
ambivalent 矛盾的 ambivalence 矛盾情绪
vacillate 精神上或情绪上的摇摆
【Word|Word Power Made Easy 英语说文解字 Day 11】oscillate 形体上的前后摆动oscillum = a swing
