
四十年代初期,我在重庆郊外歌乐山闲居的时候,曾看到英文《读者文摘》上,有个很使我惊心的句子,是:May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset. 我在一篇短文里曾把它译成:“愿你的生命中有够多的云翳,来造成一个美丽的黄昏。”其实,这个sunset 应当译成“落照”或“落霞”。
During the early 1940s I was living a retired life in the Gele Mountains in the suburbs of Chongqing (Chungking). One day, while reading the English language magazine Reader's Digest I found a sentence that touched me greatly. It read: "May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset." In a short article of mine, I quoted this sentence and translated it as "Yuan ni de shengming zhong you gou duo de yunyi, lai zaocheng yige meili de huanghun. " (literally: May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset.) As I see it now, the word "sunset" in the English sentence should have been translated as luozhao (the glow at sunset) or luoxia (the rosy cloud at sunset), instead of dusk.
During the early 1940s I was living a retired life in the Gele Mountains in the suburbs of Chongqing (Chungking).
1. The early 1940s 20 世纪 40 年代初,在表示某年代的初期、中期或晚期时,可在定冠词后,年代前加上early/mid-/late。例如:20世纪40年代中期the mid-1940s,20世纪40年代晚期the late 1940s。
2. Live a retired life过着悠闲退休的生活,闲居,固定表达live a + adj + life是“过着...的生活”,如柯林斯词典例句:
Since then, Michael has lived an unexceptional life.
3. Suburb [?s?b??rb] 郊区,城外,文中的suburbs是其复数形式。
第一句后半句:曾看到英文《读者文摘》上,有个很使我惊心的句子,是:May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset.
One day, while reading the English language magazine Reader’s Digest I found a sentence that touched me greatly. It read: “May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset.”
1. Reader’s Digest 读者文摘(杂志名);
digest [?da??d?est] 摘要;文摘;概要;汇编,如柯林斯词典例句:
The organization publishes a regular digest of environmental statistics.
2. Touch [t?t?] 触动;影响到;触摸;触及;移动;使受伤,如柯林斯词典例句:
It has touched me deeply to see how these people live.
3. May (表示愿望)但愿,如金融时报例句:
Long may it continue.
In a short article of mine, I quoted this sentence and translated it as "Yuan ni de shengming zhong you gou duo de yunyi, lai zaocheng yige meili de huanghun. " (literally: May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset.)
1. Quote [kwo?t] 引用;引述;报价;举例说明,如金融时报例句:
The survey did not quote the mean income considered necessary to qualify as rich.
2. Literally 字面上;按字面;确实地,如柯林斯词典例句:
The word ‘volk’ translates literally as ‘folk’.
第三句:其实,这个sunset 应当译成“落照”或“落霞”。
As I see it now, the word "sunset" in the English sentence should have been translated as luozhao (the glow at sunset) or luoxia (the rosy cloud at sunset), instead of dusk.
1. As I see it 照我看来,据我看,我以为,如金融时报例句:
As I see it, your problem is not altogether personal, and that’s the trouble with it.
2. Should have done 表示虚拟语气,“本应该...”,如金融时报例句:
But she was, of course, being provided free, so maybe people didn't appreciate her as much as they should have done.
3. Glow [ɡlo?] 暗淡的光;微弱稳定的光;(运动、高兴或激动时)满面红光,容光焕发;金色;红色,如柯林斯词典例句:
The cigarette’s red glow danced about in the darkness.
4. Dusk [d?sk] 暮色;黄昏;傍晚,如柯林斯词典例句:
She turned and disappeared into the dusk.
