
1、成员 1.1 变量

  • 实例变量,属于对象,每个对象中各自维护自己的数据。
  • 类变量,属于类,可以被所有对象共享,一般用于给对象提供公共数据(类似于全局变量)。
class Person(object):country = "中国" def __init__(self, name, age) = nameself.age = age def show(self):# message = "{}-{}-{}".format(,, self.age)message = "{}-{}-{}".format(,, self.age)print(message) print( # 中国 p1 = Person("华青水上",20)print( # 中国 # 中国-华青水上-20

  • 注意读和写的区别。
class Person(object):country = "中国" def __init__(self, name, age) = nameself.age = age def show(self):message = "{}-{}-{}".format(,, self.age)print(message) print( # 中国 p1 = Person("华青水上",20)print( # 华青水上print(p1.age) # 20print( # 中国 # 中国-华青水上-20 = "root"# 在对象p1中讲name重置为rootp1.num = 19# 在对象p1中新增实例变量 = "china" # 在对象p1中新增实例变量 country="china" print( chinaprint( # 中国

class Person(object):country = "中国" def __init__(self, name, age) = nameself.age = age def show(self):message = "{}-{}-{}".format(,, self.age)print(message) print( # 中国 = "美国" p1 = Person("华青水上",20)print( # 华青水上print(p1.age) # 20print( # 美国

  • 继承关系中的读写
class Base(object):country = "中国" class Person(Base): def __init__(self, name, age) = nameself.age = age def show(self):message = "{}-{}-{}".format(,, self.age)# message = "{}-{}-{}".format(,, self.age)print(message) # 读print( # 中国print( # 中国 obj = Person("华青水上",19)print( # 中国 # 写 = "china" = "泰国" = "日本"

1.2 方法
  • 绑定方法,默认有一个self参数,由对象进行调用(此时self就等于调用方法的这个对象)【对象&类均可调用】
  • 类方法,默认有一个cls参数,用类或对象都可以调用(此时cls就等于调用方法的这个类)【对象&类均可调用】
  • 静态方法,无默认参数,用类和对象都可以调用。【对象&类均可调用】
class Foo(object): def __init__(self, name,age) = nameself.age = age def f1(self):print("绑定方法", @classmethoddef f2(cls):print("类方法", cls) @staticmethoddef f3():print("静态方法")# 绑定方法(对象)obj = Foo("武沛齐",20)obj.f1() # Foo.f1(obj) # 类方法Foo.f2()# cls就是当前调用这个方法的类。(类)obj.f2()# cls就是当前调用这个方法的对象的类。 # 静态方法Foo.f3()# 类执行执行方法(类)obj.f3()# 对象执行执行方法

import osimport requests class Download(object): def __init__(self, folder_path):self.folder_path = folder_path @staticmethoddef download_dou_yin():# 下载抖音res = requests.get('.....') with open("xxx.mp4", mode='wb') as f:f.write(res.content) def download_dou_yin_2(self):# 下载抖音res = requests.get('.....')path = os.path.join(self.folder_path, 'xxx.mp4')with open(path, mode='wb') as f:f.write(res.content) obj = Download("video")obj.download_dou_yin()

1.3 属性
属性其实是由绑定方法 + 特殊装饰器 组合创造出来的,让我们以后在调用方法时可以不加括号。
class Foo(object): def __init__(self, name) = name def f1(self):return 123 @propertydef f2(self):return 123 obj = Foo("华青水上") v1 = obj.f1()print(v1) v2 = obj.f2print(v2)

class Pagination:def __init__(self, current_page, per_page_num=10):self.per_page_num = per_page_numif not current_page.isdecimal():self.current_page = 1returncurrent_page = int(current_page)if current_page < 1:self.current_page = 1returnself.current_page = current_page def start(self):return (self.current_page - 1) * self.per_page_num def end(self):return self.current_page * self.per_page_num user_list = ["用户-{}".format(i) for i in range(1, 3000)] # 分页显示,每页显示10条while True:page = input("请输入页码:") # page,当前访问的页码# 10,每页显示10条数据 # 内部执行Pagination类的init方法。pg_object = Pagination(page, 20)page_data_list = user_list[ pg_object.start() : pg_object.end() ]for item in page_data_list:print(item)

class Pagination:def __init__(self, current_page, per_page_num=10):self.per_page_num = per_page_num if not current_page.isdecimal():self.current_page = 1returncurrent_page = int(current_page)if current_page < 1:self.current_page = 1returnself.current_page = current_page @propertydef start(self):return (self.current_page - 1) * self.per_page_num @propertydef end(self):return self.current_page * self.per_page_num user_list = ["用户-{}".format(i) for i in range(1, 3000)] # 分页显示,每页显示10条while True:page = input("请输入页码:") pg_object = Pagination(page, 20)page_data_list = user_list[ pg_object.start : pg_object.end ]for item in page_data_list:print(item)

  • 方式一,基于装饰器
class C(object):@propertydef x(self):pass@x.setterdef x(self, value):pass@x.deleterdef x(self):passobj = C() obj.xobj.x = 123del obj.x

  • 方式二,基于定义变量
class C(object):def getx(self): passdef setx(self, value): passdef delx(self): passx = property(getx, setx, delx, "I'm the 'x' property.")obj = C() obj.xobj.x = 123del obj.x

注意:由于属性和实例变量的调用方式相同,所以在编写时需要注意:属性名称 不要 实例变量 重名。
class Foo(object): def __init__(self, name, age) = nameself.age = age @propertydef func(self):return 123 obj = Foo("华青水上", 123)print(

class Foo(object): def __init__(self, name, age) = name# 报错,错认为你想要调用 @name.setter 装饰的方法。self.age = age @propertydef name(self):return "{}-{}".format(, self.age) obj = Foo("华青水上", 123)

class Foo(object): def __init__(self, name, age) = name self.age = age @propertydef name(self):return "{}-{}".format(, self.age) # 报错,循环调用自己(直到层级太深报错) @name.setterdef name(self, value):print(value) obj = Foo("华青水上", 123)print(

class Foo(object): def __init__(self, name, age):self._name = nameself.age = age @propertydef name(self):return "{}-{}".format(self._name, self.age) obj = Foo("华青水上", 123)print(obj._name)print(

2.成员修饰符 Python中成员的修饰符就是指的是:公有、私有。
  • 公有,在任何地方都可以调用这个成员。
  • 私有,只有在类的内部才可以调用改成员(成员是以两个下划线开头,则表示该成员为私有)。
class Foo(object): def __init__(self, name, age):self.__name = nameself.age = age def get_data(self):return self.__name def get_age(self):return self.age obj = Foo("华青水上", 123) # 公有成员print(obj.age)v1 = self.get_age()print(v1) # 私有成员# print(obj.__name) # 错误,由于是私有成员,只能在类中进行使用。v2 = obj.get_data()print(v2)

class Base(object): def __data(self):print("base.__data") def num(self):print("base.num") class Foo(Base): def func(self):self.num()self.__data() # # 不允许执行父类中的私有方法 obj = Foo()obj.func()

class Base(object): def __data(self):print("base.__data") def num(self):print("base.num")self.__data()# 不允许执行父类中的私有方法 class Foo(Base): def func(self):self.num() obj = Foo()obj.func()

class Foo(object): def __init__(self):self.__num = 123self.age = 19 def __msg(self):print(1234) obj = Foo()print(obj.age)print(obj._Foo__num)obj._Foo__msg()

  • 可以,公有。
  • 不可以,内部其他放的一个辅助,私有。
3.对象嵌套 在基于面向对象进行编程时,对象之间可以存在各种各样的关系,例如:组合、关联、依赖等(Java中的称呼),用大白话来说就是各种嵌套。
class Student(object):""" 学生类 """ def __init__(self, name, age) = nameself.age = age def message(self):data = "我是一名学生,我叫:{},我今年{}岁".format(, self.age)print(data) s1 = Student("华青水上", 19)s2 = Student("殊途同归", 19)s3 = Student("春花秋月", 19) class Classes(object):""" 班级类 """ def __init__(self, title):self.title = titleself.student_list = [] def add_student(self, stu_object):self.student_list.append(stu_object) def add_students(self, stu_object_list):for stu in stu_object_list:self.add_student(stu) def show_members(self):for item in self.student_list:# print(item)item.message() c1 = Classes("三年二班")c1.add_student(s1)c1.add_students([s2, s3]) print(c1.title)print(c1.student_list)

class Student(object):""" 学生类 """ def __init__(self, name, age, class_object) = nameself.age = ageself.class_object = class_object def message(self):data = "我是一名{}班的学生,我叫:{},我今年{}岁".format(self.class_object.title,, self.age)print(data) class Classes(object):""" 班级类 """ def __init__(self, title):self.title = title c1 = Classes("Python全栈")c2 = Classes("Linux云计算") user_object_list = [Student("华青水上", 19, c1),Student("殊途同归", 19, c1),Student("春花秋月", 19, c2)] for obj in user_object_list:print(,obj.age, obj.class_object.title)

class Student(object):""" 学生类 """ def __init__(self, name, age, class_object) = nameself.age = ageself.class_object = class_object def message(self):data = "我是一名{}班的学生,我叫:{},我今年{}岁".format(self.class_object.title,, self.age)print(data) class Classes(object):""" 班级类 """ def __init__(self, title, school_object):self.title = titleself.school_object = school_object class School(object):""" 学校类 """ def __init__(self, name) = name s1 = School("北京校区")s2 = School("上海校区") c1 = Classes("Python全栈", s1)c2 = Classes("Linux云计算", s2) user_object_list = [Student("华青水上", 19, c1),Student("殊途同归", 19, c1),Student("春花秋月", 19, c2)]for obj in user_object_list:print(, obj.class_object.title ,

4.特殊成员 在Python的类中存在一些特殊的方法,这些方法都是 __方法__ 格式,这种方法在内部均有特殊的含义,接下来我们来讲一些常见的特殊成员:
  • __init__,初始化方法
class Foo(object):def __init__(self, name) = name obj = Foo("华青水上")

  • __new__,构造方法
class Foo(object):def __init__(self, name):print("第二步:初始化对象,在空对象中创建数据") = name def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):print("第一步:先创建空对象并返回")return object.__new__(cls) obj = Foo("华青水上")

  • __call__
class Foo(object):def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):print("执行call方法") obj = Foo()obj()

  • __str__
class Foo(object): def __str__(self):return "哈哈哈哈" obj = Foo()data =

  • __dict__
class Foo(object):def __init__(self, name, age) = nameself.age = age obj = Foo("华青水上",19)print(obj.__dict__)

  • __getitem____setitem____delitem__
class Foo(object): def __getitem__(self, item):pass def __setitem__(self, key, value):pass def __delitem__(self, key):pass obj = Foo("华青水上", 19) obj["x1"]obj['x2'] = 123del obj['x3']

  • __enter____exit__
class Foo(object): def __enter__(self):print("进入了")return 666 def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):print("出去了") obj = Foo()with obj as data:print(data)

# 面试题(补充代码,实现如下功能)
class Context: def __enter__(self):return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):pass def do_something(self):# __enter__返回self才可以调用执行do_something方法pass with Context() as ctx:ctx.do_something()

  • __add__
class Foo(object):def __init__(self, name) = name def __add__(self, other):return "{}-{}".format(, v1 = Foo("alex")v2 = Foo("sb") # 对象+值,内部会去执行 对象.__add__方法,并将+后面的值当做参数传递过去。v3 = v1 + v2print(v3)

  • __iter__
# 迭代器类型的定义:1.当类中定义了 __iter__ 和 __next__ 两个方法。2.__iter__ 方法需要返回对象本身,即:self3. __next__ 方法,返回下一个数据,如果没有数据了,则需要抛出一个StopIteration的异常。 官方文档: 创建 迭代器类型 : class IT(object):def __init__(self):self.counter = 0 def __iter__(self):return self def __next__(self):self.counter += 1if self.counter == 3:raise StopIteration()return self.counter # 根据类实例化创建一个迭代器对象:obj1 = IT()# v1 = obj1.__next__()# v2 = obj1.__next__()# v3 = obj1.__next__() # 抛出异常v1 = next(obj1) # obj1.__next__()print(v1) v2 = next(obj1)print(v2) v3 = next(obj1)print(v3) obj2 = IT()for item in obj2:# 首先会执行迭代器对象的__iter__方法并获取返回值,一直去反复的执行 next(对象) print(item)

# 创建生成器函数def func():yield 1yield 2# 创建生成器对象(内部是根据生成器类generator创建的对象),生成器类的内部也声明了:__iter__、__next__ 方法。obj1 = func()v1 = next(obj1)print(v1) v2 = next(obj1)print(v2) v3 = next(obj1)print(v3) obj2 = func()for item in obj2:print(item)

# 如果一个类中有__iter__方法且返回一个迭代器对象 ;则我们称以这个类创建的对象为可迭代对象。 class Foo(object):def __iter__(self):return 迭代器对象(生成器对象)obj = Foo() # obj是 可迭代对象。 # 可迭代对象是可以使用for来进行循环,在循环的内部其实是先执行 __iter__ 方法,获取其迭代器对象,然后再在内部执行这个迭代器对象的next功能,逐步取值。for item in obj:pass

【Python面向对象之成员相关知识总结】可迭代对象是可以使用for来进行循环,在循环的内部其实是先执行 __iter__ 方法,获取其迭代器对象,然后再在内部执行这个迭代器对象的next功能,逐步取值。
class IT(object):def __init__(self):self.counter = 0 def __iter__(self):return self def __next__(self):self.counter += 1if self.counter == 3:raise StopIteration()return self.counter class Foo(object):def __iter__(self):return IT() obj = Foo() # 可迭代对象 for item in obj: # 循环可迭代对象时,内部先执行obj.__iter__并获取迭代器对象;不断地执行迭代器对象的next方法。print(item)

# 基于可迭代对象&迭代器实现:自定义rangeclass IterRange(object):def __init__(self, num):self.num = numself.counter = -1 def __iter__(self):return self def __next__(self):self.counter += 1if self.counter == self.num:raise StopIteration()return self.counter class Xrange(object):def __init__(self, max_num):self.max_num = max_num def __iter__(self):return IterRange(self.max_num) obj = Xrange(100) for item in obj:print(item)

class Foo(object):def __iter__(self):yield 1yield 2 obj = Foo()for item in obj:print(item)

# 基于可迭代对象&生成器 实现:自定义range class Xrange(object):def __init__(self, max_num):self.max_num = max_num def __iter__(self):counter = 0while counter < self.max_num:yield countercounter += 1 obj = Xrange(100)for item in obj:print(item)

from import Iterator, Iterable v1 = [11, 22, 33]print( isinstance(v1, Iterator) )# false,判断是否是迭代器;判断依据是__iter__ 和 __next__。v2 = v1.__iter__()print( isinstance(v2, Iterator) )# True v1 = [11, 22, 33]print( isinstance(v1, Iterable) )# True,判断依据是是否有 __iter__且返回迭代器对象。 v2 = v1.__iter__()print( isinstance(v2, Iterable) )# True,判断依据是是否有 __iter__且返回迭代器对象。

