懂你英语|懂你英语 商务英语 Level 5 Unit 2 Part 4 Dialogue [Negotiating Her Contract]

Negotiating Her Contract Hey Laura. Come in!
Hi Alex. How are you?
I'm fine, thanks.
【懂你英语|懂你英语 商务英语 Level 5 Unit 2 Part 4 Dialogue [Negotiating Her Contract]】Have you had a chance to look over your new contract yet?
If you agree with everything, just write your signature and the date on the last page and I'll send it to HR.
Yes, I read it and I do have a question.
It seems as if there have been some changes made to the scope of my responsibilities.
Quesitons What has she come to do?
>to sign the contract.
What do you mean?
Your job title is the same as before.
It's part of the same clause that mentions my salary.
The line is, "The Employee shall perform any duties in this contract and any other duties in the scope of business needs."
I've brought my last contract with me today.
It simply says that I shall perform any duties in my contract.
Questions Where have the changes been made in her contract?
> in her salary clause
Compared to her last contract, what changes have been make in the new contract?
>She may have to perform additional duties.
It's part of the same clause that mentions my salary.
It's just something that has been added to all new contracts that we're writing up.
We want to make sure that our employees are able to help out in critical situations.
Right, but… my responsibilities sound far less specific than they did in my last contract.
Questions Compared to her previous contract, the clause regarding her responsibilities sounds...
>less specific.
Why hasthe company reworded part of the contract?
>it wants employees to help out in critical situations.
The way it has been worded makes it sound like the company can basically ask me to do whatever it wants.
I wouldn't worry about that if I were you.
No one is going to ask you to do something that you aren't comfortable with, Laura.
If he were her, he...
>wouldn't worry about the changes.
Why isn't he worried about the new contract?

> he doesn't think the company will force her to do anything against her.
Maybe so, but I can't accept these terms.
Last year, Jim from marketing tried to have me write copy for products, even though I work in sales.
I feel like this wording will cause more situations like this.
So I'd like it if my contract could keep the original wording.

Why doesn't she want to accept the terms in her contract?
> she doesn't want to do work that isn't part of her job requirements
If her contract keep its original wording, she will sign it.

I don't think HR will allow it, since this clause has been added to all new contracts.
I mean it in the nicest way possible, but this is non-negotiable for me.
If my new contract can't keep the wording from the original, then I'm afraid I can't sign it.
Okay. I'll talk to HR and see what they say, though I can't make any promises.
Questions How likely is it that HR will allow her to change her contract?
>it is not very likely.
Thanks Alex.
You know that I love working here.
But I would feel much better signing a contract that gives me clear job responsibilities.
That's fair.
I'll talk to them this week and get back to you with an answer by Friday.
Questions What kind of contract is she willing to sign?
>a contract with clear responsibilities.
It's not very likely that HR will allow her to change her contract.
