fabric交易ID(txid)|fabric交易ID(txid) 的生成规则

交易ID(txid) 的生成规则 交易ID的生成是在客户端完成(因为多方背书必须要一致的交易ID)

public TransactionContext(Channel channel, User user, CryptoSuite cryptoPrimitives) {this.user = user; this.channel = channel; //TODO clean up when public classes are interfaces. this.verify = !"".equals(channel.getName()); //if name is not blank not system channel and need verify.//this.txID = transactionID; this.cryptoPrimitives = cryptoPrimitives; // Get the signing identity from the user this.signingIdentity = IdentityFactory.getSigningIdentity(cryptoPrimitives, user); // Serialize signingIdentity this.identity = signingIdentity.createSerializedIdentity(); // 这里获取一个随机的byte种子,长度24 ByteString no = getNonce(); // 将随机byte种子与证书中的身份信息连接 ByteString comp = no.concat(identity.toByteString()); // byte[] txh = cryptoPrimitives.hash(comp.toByteArray()); //txID = Hex.encodeHexString(txh); txID = new String(Utils.toHexString(txh)); toString = "TransactionContext{ txID: " + txID + ", mspid: " + user.getMspId() + ", user: " + user.getName() + "}"; }

【fabric交易ID(txid)|fabric交易ID(txid) 的生成规则】getNonce()方法实际是调用了Utils.generateNonce(),实现如下
public static byte[] generateNonce() {byte[] values = new byte[24]; RANDOM.nextBytes(values); return values; }

