Day12|Day12 25/07/17
1】But Dad didn't put two and two together.
【Day12|Day12 25/07/17】释义:put two and two together 事实推理
造句::If we put two and two together, we might come up with the right answer.
2】If I can figure out a way to spill the beans without Rodrick finding out, I'm gonna go for it.
释义:divulge confidential information or secrets 泄露秘密
spill 洒
造句:She has a terrible habit of spilling the beans, so if we want to keep it a secret for a while, don't mention it to her.
3】I think I'll just take Rodrick's opinion with a grain of salt.
释义:(With) a grain of salt (or "a pinch of salt") :to view something with skepticism, or to not take it literally.
造句:The new results suggest we should all take online info with a grain of salt.
1】I was trying to signal to him that it was a big mistake.
仿写:I was trying to signal to her that it was not her fault.
I have a perfect dinner tonight with my boss.
We were going to take the subway together after work, but there are a lot of people on the subway, so I suggest having a meal in a nearby restaurant first, she readily agreed.
She took me to her favorite restaurant and I like it very much. We had a lot of fun and chatted a lot.
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