koa-jwt|koa-jwt 使用详解


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  • 【koa-jwt|koa-jwt 使用详解】koa-jwt 主要提供路有权限控制的功能,它会对需要限制的资源请求进行检查
  • token 默认被携带在Headers 中的名为Authorization的键值对中,koa-jwt也是在该位置获取token
  • 也可以使用Cookie来提供令牌
  • app.use(jwt( { secret: 'shared-secret', passthrough:true }))
  • app.use(jwt({ secret: 'shared-secret', key: 'jwtdata' }))
    可以使用另外一ctx key来表示解码数据,然后就可以通过ctx.state.jwtdata代替ctx.state.user获得解码数据
  • secret 的值可以使用函数代替,以此产生动态的加密秘钥
  • koa-jwt 依赖于jsonwebtokenkoa-unless两个库的
koa-jwt 示例
  • 示例中使用了jwt-simple,也可以选择使jsonwebtoken
const Koa = require('koa') const Router = require('koa-router') const jwt = require('jwt-simple')const koaBody = require('koa-body')const koaJwt = require('koa-jwt') //路由权限控制const app = new Koa() constrouter = new Router()//秘钥 const jwtSecret = 'jwtSecret' const tokenExpiresTime = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7// Custom 401 handling if you don't want to expose koa-jwt errors to users app.use(function(ctx, next){ return next().catch((err) => { if (401 == err.status) { ctx.status = 401; ctx.body = 'Protected resource, use Authorization header to get access\n'; } else { throw err; } }); }); app.use(koaJwt({secret:jwtSecret}).unless({ path:[/^\/login/] }))router.get('/', (ctx) => { ctx.body = 'Hello koa-jwt' })// router.use(koaJwt(jwtSecret).unless({ //path:[/^\/login/] // }))router.post('/login', koaBody(), (ctx) => {const user = ctx.request.bodyif (user && user.name){ let payload = { exp:Date.now() + tokenExpiresTime, name:user.name } let token = jwt.encode(payload, jwtSecret)ctx.body = { user:user.name, code:1, token } }else { ctx.body = { code:-1 } } })// router.use(koaJwt(jwtSecret))router.get('/userInfo', ctx => { let token = ctx.header.authorizationctx.body = { token:token, user:ctx.state.user }//使用jwt-simple自行解析数据 let payload = jwt.decode(token.split(' ')[1], jwtSecret); console.log(payload) })app.use(router.routes()) app.use(router.allowedMethods())app.listen(3000, () => { console.log('app listening 3000...') })

koa-jwt|koa-jwt 使用详解
koa-jwt|koa-jwt 使用详解
image.png option
  • 可以直接参照源码设置
// Type definitions for koa-jwt 2.x // Project: https://github.com/koajs/jwt // Definitions by: Bruno Krebs // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTypedimport Koa = require('koa'); export = jwt; declare function jwt(options: jwt.Options): jwt.Middleware; declare namespace jwt { export interface Options { secret: string | Buffer; key?: string; tokenKey?: string; getToken?(opts: jwt.Options): string; isRevoked?(ctx: Koa.Context, decodedToken: object, token: string): Promise; passthrough?: boolean; cookie?: string; debug?: boolean; audience?: string; issuer?: string; algorithms?: string[]; }export interface Middleware extends Koa.Middleware { unless(params?: any): any; } }
