The author of the reading passage maintains that buzzing should be banned since it has generated three major problems. However, the buzzer in the listening argues that the criticism of this text is misleading.
First, the author of the reading thinks that customers may receive inaccurate information about a buzzed product as they cannot distinguish who is a real paid buzzer from those who praise the product. On the other hand, the buzzer in the listening rebuts this argument. He explains that although buzzers get paid, they actually provide truth about a product because they all have used the product and really think it is good before the companies find them to buzz it to customers.
Second, according to the reading passage, customers will probably become less critical about a product when listening to a buzzer's endorsements. On the contrary, the buzzer in the lecture does not agree with this point of view. He contends that purchasers would ask many questions about the product, such as its price, service, and even how long the buzzer has used the product. If the buzzer fails to answer the questions, the customers will not buy the product.
【原创范文|TPO19综合写作】Finally, the author of the reading passage argues that buzzing will lead to mistrust and dishonesty in social relationships. On the contrary, the buzzer in the listening refutes this argument by saying that in fact, after having good experiences by using the product promoted by the buzzer, the customers will end up being more trustful and open to people.
(253 words)
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