oss|oss 存储

【oss|oss 存储】oss | Laravel

'oss' => [ 'driver'=> 'oss', 'access_id'=> 'L**************y',// 'access_key'=> 'i****************************y',// 'bucket'=> 'i****y',// 'endpoint'=> 'oss-*******************.com',// OSS 外网节点或自定义外部域名 //'endpoint_internal' => '', // v2.0.4 新增配置属性,如果为空,则默认使用 endpoint 配置(由于内网上传有点小问题未解决,请大家暂时不要使用内网节点上传,正在与阿里技术沟通中) 'cdnDomain'=> '',// 如果isCName为true, getUrl会判断cdnDomain是否设定来决定返回的url,如果cdnDomain未设置,则使用endpoint来生成url,否则使用cdn 'ssl'=> true,// true use https | false use http 'isCName'=> false,// 是否使用自定义域名,true: 则Storage.url()会使用自定义的cdn或域名生成文件url, false: 则使用外部节点生成url 'debug'=> false, ],

Storage::disk('oss'); $_path = date('Y-m-d',time()).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$request->file->hashName(); $bool = Storage::put($_path,file_get_contents($request->file->getRealPath())); if( $bool ){ $path = Storage::url($_path); return $response->json([ 'code' => 0, 'src'=> $path, 'src_' => $_path, ]); }

Storage::disk('oss'); // if default filesystems driver is oss, you can skip this step// 注意使用门面的形式调用 //fetch all files of specified bucket(see upond configuration) Storage::files($directory); Storage::allFiles($directory); Storage::put('path/to/file/file.jpg', $contents); //first parameter is the target file path, second paramter is file content Storage::putFile('path/to/file/file.jpg', 'local/path/to/local_file.jpg'); // upload file from local pathStorage::get('path/to/file/file.jpg'); // get the file object by path Storage::exists('path/to/file/file.jpg'); // determine if a given file exists on the storage(OSS) Storage::size('path/to/file/file.jpg'); // get the file size (Byte) Storage::lastModified('path/to/file/file.jpg'); // get date of last modificationStorage::directories($directory); // Get all of the directories within a given directory Storage::allDirectories($directory); // Get all (recursive) of the directories within a given directoryStorage::copy('old/file1.jpg', 'new/file1.jpg'); Storage::move('old/file1.jpg', 'new/file1.jpg'); Storage::rename('path/to/file1.jpg', 'path/to/file2.jpg'); Storage::prepend('file.log', 'Prepended Text'); // Prepend to a file. Storage::append('file.log', 'Appended Text'); // Append to a file.Storage::delete('file.jpg'); Storage::delete(['file1.jpg', 'file2.jpg']); Storage::makeDirectory($directory); // Create a directory. Storage::deleteDirectory($directory); // Recursively delete a directory.It will delete all files within a given directory, SO Use with caution please.// upgrade logs // new plugin for v2.0 version Storage::putRemoteFile('target/path/to/file/jacob.jpg', 'http://example.com/jacob.jpg'); //upload remote file to storage by remote url // new function for v2.0.1 version Storage::url('path/to/img.jpg') // get the file url
