Mizuko|Mizuko Ito
Mizuko Ito is a Jrofessor in Residence at the Humanities Research Institute at the University of California, Irvine. Her main professional interest is young people's use of media technology. She has explored the ways in which digital media are changing relationships, identities, and communities.apanese cultural anthropologist who is a Professor in Residence at the Humanities Research Institute at the University of California, Irvine. Her main professional interest is young people's use of media technology.
- 宽容谁
- 一个人的旅行,三亚
- 第6.2章(设置属性)
- 布丽吉特,人生绝对的赢家
- 家乡的那条小河
- 讲述,美丽聪明的海欧!
- PMSJ寻平面设计师之现代(Hyundai)
- 夜游宫|夜游宫 心语
- 增长黑客的海盗法则
- 画画吗()