forked-daapd|forked-daapd with ReadyNAS

forked-daapd 第三方itunes媒体服务器,v28.0改名OwnTone,Github

OwnTone (previously forked-daapd)
OwnTone is a Linux/FreeBSD DAAP (iTunes), MPD (Music Player Daemon) and RSP (Roku) media server.
It supports AirPlay devices/speakers, Apple Remote (and compatibles), MPD clients, Chromecast, network streaming, internet radio, Spotify and LastFM.
It does not support streaming video by AirPlay nor Chromecast.
DAAP stands for Digital Audio Access Protocol which is the protocol used by iTunes and friends to share/stream media libraries over the network.
ReadyNAS 自带itunes服务,一直用电脑开itunes再airplay推到apple TV,倒也相安无事,就懒得折腾手机播放了,就算有次删cache之后专辑封面有点问题也忍了。但是最近ReadyNAS升到10.6之后,flac文件随机卡现象愈发严重,有点坐不住了,正赖在沙发上结果音乐停了还要跑到电脑前搞两下这怎么行。
db_path = "/apps/.forked-daapd/songs3.db"
logfile = "/var/log/forked-daapd.log"
cache_path = "/var/cache/forked-daapd/cache.db"
把log级别改成debug,开了一个flac list进行测试。等了半天终于停住了,如果是log级别的话其实就显示一直在transcode,不过转码的设置对airplay无效,然而空欢喜一场,debug模式下,第一次报的ffmpeg解码有问题,第二次又卡住的曲又没有这个报错,主要是取消airplay再打开airplay又播放正常,看log看不出区别。。。而且实际上看log实际上是卡在下一曲的,但是前端播放界面停在上一首曲尾。搜了issue list,确实也有报错apple TV/airplay随机断开的,不过看别人的错误信息,完全不同,sigh,不具有参考性。
  1. Start forked-daapd
  2. Start Remote, go to Settings, Add Library
  3. Look in the log file for a message saying:
    "Discovered remote 'Foobar' (id 71624..."
    This tells you the name of your device (Foobar in this example).
    If you cannot find this message, it means that forked-daapd did not receive a mDNS announcement from your Remote. You have a network issue and mDNS doesn't work properly on your network.
  4. Prepare a text file with a filename ending with .remote; the filename doesn't matter, only the .remote ending does. This file must contain two lines: the first line is the name of your iPod/iPhone/iPad, the second is the 4-digit pairing code displayed by Remote.
    If your iPod/iPhone/iPad is named "Foobar" and Remote gives you the pairing code 5387, the file content must be:
  5. Move this file somewhere in your library
At this point, you should be done with the pairing process and Remote should display the name of your forked-daapd library. You should delete the .remote file once the pairing process is done.
remote成功配对,iphone airplay到atv继续测试flac列表,确实稳定多了,至少整个列表放完没有停。整个资料库随机播放,发生过一回显示airplay stop,有待继续测试。
【forked-daapd|forked-daapd with ReadyNAS】命令行备忘
dpkg-l | grep daapd
ii forked-daapd 24.2-0.netgear3 armel DAAP/DACP(iTunes) server, support for AirPlay and Roku devices
service forked-daapd
Usage:/etc/init.d/forked-daapd {start|stop|status|restart|force-reload}
ps-e | grep daapd
tail -f /var/log/forked-daapd.log
