【学习笔记】懂你英语|【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 5 Unit 2 Part 4(IV)词汇 Contract Disputes

【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 5 Unit 2 Part 4(IV)词汇 Contract Disputes合同纠纷

Arbitrationn. 公断,仲裁
When two parties have a disagreement, they may attempt arbitration.
Arbitration is a way to settle a dispute without going to court.
In arbitration, an independent 3rd parties involved to assess and resolve the dispute.
Damagesn. 损害赔偿(damage的复数);伤害 Damages are money given as compensation to a party for a loss.
If one party has lost money because of a breach of contract, they may sue for damages.如果一方因违约而损失了金钱,他们可以要求损害赔偿。
【选择】-What is an arbitrator responsible for? -Resolving a dispute between two parties.
【选择】If a party can prove a breach of contract in court, ... it will be awarded damages.
【填空】They preferred arbitration because it was faster and cheaper than going to court.

【填空】While arbitration is conducted outside courts, any decision is legally enforced.

【填空】They settled their dispute through arbitration.

【填空】【跟读】The judge awarded them $300,000 in damages.

【填空】When they couldn't settle their dispute through arbitration, one party sued the other for damages.

【填空】An arbitrator is a 3rd party who is contracted to assess and resolve disputes between two parties.
【填空】A contracting party may sue for damages if it has lost money from a breach of contract.
【跟读】They will seek arbitration if they want to settle a dispute without going to court.
Repudiationn. 否认,拒绝;抛弃,断绝关系
Repudiation is the refusal to fulfill the terms of the contract.拒付是指拒绝履行合同条款。
If one party doesn't perform their duties in a contract, it will lead to repudiation.如果一方不履行合同中的义务,就会导致违约。
Frustration 挫折 Frustration occurs when a contract can't be implemented for unexpected reasons.
Frustration of a contract is not the fault of either party.
For example, a lease will become frustrated if the property is destroyed by a fire.
【选择】-Which of the following could lead to the repudiation of an employment contract?-An employee fails to perform their job responsibilities. (If one party doesn't perform their duties in a contract, it will lead to repudiation.)
【选择】-What will happen to a contract if it violates a new government policy?-It will become frustrated.
【选择】-What is the process for resolving the dispute without going to court?-Arbitration is a way to settle a dispute without going to court.
【选择】-What make one party sue another for if a contract has been breached? -If one party has lost money because of a breach of contract, they may sue for damages.
【填空】Repudiation may have consequences stated in the contract, or it may lead to legal action.
【填空】Their failure to pay on time caused the contract to be repudiated.
【填空】If a contract becomes frustrated, a new contract may be drawn up.
【填空】The government implemented new trade policies, causing the frustration of the contract.

【填空】They settled their dispute through arbitration.
【填空】Frustration occurs when a contract can be implemented for reasons outside of anyone's control.
【跟读】If a contract has been breached, it has been repudiated.
【【学习笔记】懂你英语|【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 5 Unit 2 Part 4(IV)词汇 Contract Disputes】【跟读】Their failure to pay on time caused the contract to be repudiated.
