iOS-关于Xcode|iOS-关于Xcode 11 无法正常上传包,一直卡在验证问题

事情是这样的,年后要发版,准备选用最保守的上传方式Xcode-Window-Organizer.从凌晨12点开始就一直卡死在万恶的“Authenticating with the iTunes store”上,网上找了很多方法,都不行。但发现一个共同点,就是都会提到“ iTMSTransporter”,经过了解后,知道这东西是苹果在上传包的时候,通过“ iTMSTransporter”来实现上传的。“ iTMSTransporter”这东西存在于Application Loader程序文件目录下。但是Xcode 11移除了Application Loader程序,抱着试试看的想法搜索了下Xcode文件下是否存在“ iTMSTransporter”,结果还真搜到了。

【iOS-关于Xcode|iOS-关于Xcode 11 无法正常上传包,一直卡在验证问题】/Applications/
然后就去网上查资料,发现 “ iTMSTransporter”有缓存文件,
[2020-02-11 04:58:18 CST]
DEBUG: Saving configuration to local path: /Users/xxxx/Library/Caches/
usage: iTMSTransporter [-help| -info | -m| -version] [-o ] [-v
] [-WONoPause ] [-Xmx4096m]
iTMSTransporter : iTunes Store Transporter 2.0.0
-helpShow this help. If a mode value is specified, show help specific
to that mode.
-info The -info option should be used by itself and returns the
copyright notice and acknowledgements.
-mThe -m option specifies the tool's mode. The valid values are:
verify, upload, provider, diagnostic, lookupMetadata,
createArtist, lookupArtist, status, statusAll,
createMetadataTicket, queryTickets, generateSchema, transferTest,
downloadMetadataGuides, listReports, requestReport
-oThe -o option specifies the directory and filename you want to use
to log output information. By default, Transporter logs output
information to standard out. If you specify a filename,
Transporter logs the output to the specified file, as well as to
standard out.
-vThe -v option specifies the level of logging. The five values
are: off, detailed, informational, critical, eXtreme.
-version The -version option should be used by itself and returns the
version of the tool.
-WONoPauseThe -WONoPause option is only valid on Windows and its value can
be 'true' or 'false'. If an error occurs during script execution,
the process idles because the message 'Press any key...' is
displayed on the console and the system awaits a keypress. To
avoid this behavior, set this property to true
-Xmx4096m Specifies that you want to change the Java Virtual Machine's (JVM)
allocated memory by increasing the JVM heap size. By default,
Transporter uses a 2048MB heap size. You can use the -Xmx4096m
option to specify a 4-gigabyte (GB) heap size. Apple recommends,
if needed, increasing the heap size to 4096MB by specifying the
-Xmx4096m (or -Xmx4g) option and adjusting as needed.
[2020-02-11 04:58:18 CST]
DBG-X: Returning 0
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...
链接: stackoverflow地址比较受启发
