Rare|Rare glimpse of “Super blue blood Moon”

Rare|Rare glimpse of “Super blue blood Moon”
During the intense language study in Fang Shan resort, though it is faraway from down town, we still managed to find some fun stuff.
According to reports, at night of January 31, there would be super blue moon lighting up east part of China. We were told that the lunar eclipse was rare in 100 years, and it was going to happen at 8pm. The cold weather outside didn’t succeed in stopping us from enjoying the visual feast.
Rare|Rare glimpse of “Super blue blood Moon”
Rare|Rare glimpse of “Super blue blood Moon”
Rare|Rare glimpse of “Super blue blood Moon”
【Rare|Rare glimpse of “Super blue blood Moon”】While we were shaking in the cold wind, a tall shadow walked toward us.Who is that? It looked like a werewolf of the Vampire Diaries. We were totally scared. Suddenly the shadow began to talk, in English, “Oh you guys find any changes of the Moon?” Aha, ghost could never speak decent English like that. It turned out to be Mr. J, our American English teacher. So he joined us to admire the blood moon on the avenue.
The lunar eclipse took place very slowly. The change was so tiny and slight that naked eye could hardly notice. I thought it would be a good idea to play some music, so I picked a traditional Chinese moon theme song playlist. 1.The moon represents my heart; 2. The moonlight over the Lotus pond; 3. On the moon.Mr. J played his favorite 1980’s song as well.
During the process, we shared stories with each other. In Chinese culture, people put up on a full moon to taste a longing and yearning to the people they love or their family. The moon is a symbol of kind of deep feeling and a cultural sign, rather than a lonely planet. Under the same round moon, Chinese poets wrote lots of great poems. Even a two year-old child can recite the well known moon poem, Think in a silent night, which was written 1000 years before by Libai. There are plenty of interesting stories about the moon. For example, the Pilgrimage to the West, an immortal named ChangE, whose husband shoot down Suns, lives alone in the moon palace with her cute little white rabbit. All these poems and stories reminded people to cherish what they have, their family and friends. Mr. J talked us about the report of upcoming reversal of magnetic polar and his talkative crazy cyber friend. I suddenly realized that was the big cultural gap between eastern and western people under the same moon!
I am afraid that would become my special experience which I would never forget.
All pictures are just for fun.
