
一、背景介绍 PostgreSQL的最大连接数在某些时候会成为一个让业务很苦恼的问题。业务连接数暴增,连接数打满,但又不能重启服务这种场景下,显得非常尴尬。最大连接数就只能重启调整,要想不停库,貌似“无解”。
原生pg除了max_connections,还可以ALTER USER / DATABASE … CONNECTION LIMIT connlimit通过user和 database这两个维度去动态调整连接数。不过只适用于比较特定的场景下,稍微推敲一番,就会发现大部分场景下不适用。比如同实例多database,多user,并且每个user需要一定数量的连接数,那瓶颈又回到了max_connections
默认值为-1,保持默认值,最大连接数还是沿用原生的逻辑。取值范围从-1(default)至max_connnections 。也就是说系统资源还是由max_connections参数来管理,db_connlimit参数只用来管理连接数个数,资源满足情况下适当放大max_connections,例如将db_connlimit设置为max_connections的一半,在连接数已满的情况下,可以继续增大db_connlimit,来缓解一些压力。
当然这个方案是存在问题的:例如未考虑版本差异。要想做到兼容所有版本,那么可以考虑HooK extensions 或者中间件方式,不过这样架构可能会更加复杂了。研发大佬肯定有成熟的方案,作为运维同学,我们就最后挣扎一下,验证下这个方案。
二、问题思考 db_connlimit参数必须满足以下几点要求:

  1. 对原生影响要小,可以关闭(default为关闭)关闭后不影响原生逻辑;
  2. 可靠性,连接数达到最大时要和原生处理逻辑一致;
  3. 最大值生效问题,最大值必须小于等于max_connnections 当试图配置大于这个值时reload不能生效,并且保持原有值
三、代码修改 针对以上3个问题,依次来看:
  • 增加参数db_connlimit
global.c 设置全局变量DbConnlimit
/* * Modify by Nickxyang at 2021-06-07 PM * Add the global variable DbConnlimit. */ intDbConnlimit = 100; /* * Modify End at 2021-06-07 PM */

/* * Modify by Nickxyang at 2021-06-07 PM */ extern PGDLLIMPORT int DbConnlimit; /* * Modify End at 2021-06-07 PM */

guc.c新增参数db_connlimit, 首个-1为default,第二个-1为最小值
/* * Modify by Nickxyang at 2021-06-07 PM * Add the parameter db_connlimit, you can modify the maximum number of connections online. * The valid range is -1 (default) to Maxconntions. A value of -1 means that the parameter is not open. */ {{ 'db_connlimit', PGC_SIGHUP, CONN_AUTH_SETTINGS, gettext_noop('Sets the maximum number of concurrent connections, which can be set online.'), NULL }, &DbConnlimit, -1, -1, MAX_BACKENDS, check_dbconnlimit, NULL, NULL }, /* * Modify End at 2021-06-07 PM */

/* * Modify by Nickxyang at 2021-06-07 PM */ static bool check_dbconnlimit(int *newval, void **extra, GucSource source) {if ((*newval + autovacuum_max_workers + 1 + max_worker_processes + max_wal_senders > MAX_BACKENDS) && *newval > MaxConnections) return false; return true; } /* * Modify End at 2021-06-07 PM */

#db_connlimit = -1# range -1 to max_connections

  • 保证对原生影响不大,参数关闭时,不影响原生逻辑
  • 可靠性,保证达到最大连接数时,处理逻辑和原生一致
postinit.c 中InitPostgres函数
/* * Modify by Nickxyang at 2021-06-07 PM * * If the DbConnlimit parameter is configured * and the number of connections reaches DbConnlimit - ReservedBackends, * non-superuser will not be able to create new connections */ if (DbConnlimit > 0 && DbConnlimit < MaxConnections) {if (!am_superuser && !am_walsender && ReservedBackends > 0 && !HaveNFreeProcs(MaxConnections - DbConnlimit + ReservedBackends)) ereport(FATAL, (errcode(ERRCODE_TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS), errmsg('remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections,please check parameter db_connlimit.'))); if (!am_walsender && !HaveNFreeProcs(MaxConnections - DbConnlimit)) ereport(FATAL, (errcode(ERRCODE_TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS), errmsg('sorry, too many clients already,please check parameter db_connlimit.'))); } /* Modify End at 2021-06-07 PM */

这里处理逻辑完全沿用原来的逻辑,老的逻辑保留着,加入了db_connlimit参数的控制逻辑。If条件中DbConnlimit > 0可以保证在使用默认值-1时不进入该逻辑。
针对非超级用户的判断逻辑,入参为:MaxConnections – DbConnlimit + ReservedBackends,
针对所有用户入的判断逻辑,入参为(包涵ReservedBackends):MaxConnections - DbConnlimit
  • 最大值生效问题,有效最大值必须不超过MaxConnections
guc-file.c 中ProcessConfigFileInternal函数
/* Modify by Nickxyang at 2021-06-07 PM */ char*dbconnectlimit = 'db_connlimit'; /* Modify End at 2021-06-07 PM */ /* Modify by Nickxyang at 2021-06-07 PM * When the db_connlimit configuration is greater than MaxConnections * or is less than ReservedBackends (when ReservedBackends > 0) * reload will not be effective */ if (strcmp(item->name,dbconnectlimit) == 0 && atoi(item->value) != -1 && (atoi(item->value) > MaxConnections || atoi(item->value) <= ReservedBackends || atoi(item->value) == 0)) {if (ReservedBackends > 0 && atoi(item->value) <= ReservedBackends) {ereport(elevel, (errmsg('parameter \'%s\' is not set to \'%s\', because it must be bigger than superuser_reserved_connections=%d', item->name, item->value,ReservedBackends))); } else {if (atoi(item->value) == 0) {ereport(elevel, (errmsg('parameter \'%s\' is not set to \'%s\', because this will not allow non-superuser to login', item->name, item->value))); } else {ereport(elevel, (errmsg('parameter \'%s\' is not set to \'%s\', because it is bigger than max_connnections=%d', item->name, item->value, MaxConnections))); } } scres = -1; } else /* Modify End at 2021-06-07 PM*/ scres = set_config_option(item->name, item->value, context, PGC_S_FILE, GUC_ACTION_SET, applySettings, 0, false);

这里只有当修改了db_connlimit 参数,并且参数值不满足要求(值大于MaxConnections 或者小于ReservedBackends或者值等于0)才会进入该逻辑,会在pglog里边记录一条设置失败的信息。并把scres赋值为-1,不会调用set_config_option函数使参数修改值生效。
四、测试验证 编译安装并启动数据库,查看参数信息
postgres=# select * from pg_settings where name='db_connlimit'; -[ RECORD 1 ]---+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- name| db_connlimit setting| -1 unit| category| Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings short_desc| Sets the maximum number of concurrent connections, which can be set online. extra_desc| context| sighup vartype| integer source| configuration file min_val| -1 max_val| 262143 enumvals| boot_val| -1 reset_val| -1 sourcefile| /data/pg13-0debug/data/postgresql.conf sourceline| 3 pending_restart | f postgres=#

  • 场景一:达到最大连接数,看看是否会出现无法连接的情况
postgres=# alter system set db_connlimit to 5 ; ALTER SYSTEM postgres=# select pg_reload_conf(); pg_reload_conf ---------------- t (1 row) postgres=# show db_connlimit ; db_connlimit -------------- 5 (1 row) postgres=# show max_connections ; max_connections ----------------- 10 (1 row) postgres=# show superuser_reserved_connections ; superuser_reserved_connections -------------------------------- 3 (1 row) postgres=#

[postgres@NickCentos:pg13.0:5432 ~]$psql -U testuser -d postgres psql: error: could not connect to server: FATAL:remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections, please check parameter db_connlimit [postgres@NickCentos:pg13.0:5432 ~]$psql -U testuser -d postgres psql: error: could not connect to server: FATAL:remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections, please check parameter db_connlimit [postgres@NickCentos:pg13.0:5432 ~]$psql -U postgres -d postgres psql (13.0) PG干O,天天象上! Type 'help' for help. postgres=# select count(1),usename from pg_stat_activity where backend_type='client backend' group by 2 order by 1; count | usename -------+---------- 1 | postgres 2 | testuser (2 rows) postgres=#

当连接数达到db_connlimit 后,superuser也无法登陆了
postgres=# select count(1),usename from pg_stat_activity where backend_type='client backend' group by 2 order by 1; count | usename -------+---------- 2 | testuser 3 | postgres (2 rows) postgres=# ^Z [1]+Stoppedpsql -U postgres -d postgres [postgres@NickCentos:pg13.0:5432 ~]$psql -U postgres -d postgres psql: error: could not connect to server: FATAL:sorry, too many clients already, please check parameter db_connlimit [postgres@NickCentos:pg13.0:5432 ~]$psql -U postgres -d postgres psql: error: could not connect to server: FATAL:sorry, too many clients already, please check parameter db_connlimit [postgres@NickCentos:pg13.0:5432 ~]$

这里要修改连接数就需要手动改文件,pg_ctl reload生效,刚好我们验证下在线增加功能,
[postgres@NickCentos:pg13.0:5432 ~]$psql -U postgres -d postgres psql: error: could not connect to server: FATAL:sorry, too many clients already, please check parameter db_connlimit [postgres@NickCentos:pg13.0:5432 ~]$psql -U postgres -d postgres psql: error: could not connect to server: FATAL:sorry, too many clients already, please check parameter db_connlimit [postgres@NickCentos:pg13.0:5432 ~]$vim $PGDATA/postgresql.conf [postgres@NickCentos:pg13.0:5432 ~]$vim $PGDATA/postgresql.auto.conf [postgres@NickCentos:pg13.0:5432 ~]$grep db_connlimit $PGDATA/postgresql*conf /data/pg13-0debug/data/postgresql.auto.conf:db_connlimit = '8' /data/pg13-0debug/data/postgresql.conf:db_connlimit = 8# range -1 to max_connections [postgres@NickCentos:pg13.0:5432 ~]$pg_ctl reload server signaled [postgres@NickCentos:pg13.0:5432 ~]$psql -U postgres -d postgres psql (13.0) PG干O,天天象上! Type 'help' for help. postgres=# select count(1),usename from pg_stat_activity where backend_type='client backend' group by 2 order by 1; count | usename -------+---------- 2 | testuser 4 | postgres (2 rows) postgres=#

  • 场景二:修改参数为0或者大于MaxConnections 看看是否生效
postgres=# alter system set db_connlimit to 11 ; ALTER SYSTEM postgres=# select pg_reload_conf(); pg_reload_conf ---------------- t (1 row) postgres=# show db_connlimit ; db_connlimit -------------- 8 (1 row) postgres=# alter system set db_connlimit to 0 ; ALTER SYSTEM postgres=# select pg_reload_conf(); pg_reload_conf ---------------- t (1 row) postgres=# show db_connlimit ; db_connlimit -------------- 8 (1 row) postgres=# alter system set db_connlimit to 2 ; ALTER SYSTEM postgres=# select pg_reload_conf(); pg_reload_conf ---------------- t (1 row) postgres=# show db_connlimit ; db_connlimit -------------- 8 (1 row) postgres=#

2021-06-07 14:36:48.866 CST [720] LOG:received SIGHUP, reloading configuration files 2021-06-07 14:36:48.866 CST [720] LOG:parameter 'db_connlimit' is not set to '11', because it is bigger than max_connnections=10. 2021-06-07 14:37:29.966 CST [720] LOG:received SIGHUP, reloading configuration files 2021-06-07 14:37:29.967 CST [720] LOG:parameter 'db_connlimit' is not set to '0', because it must be bigger than superuser_reserved_connections=3. 2021-06-07 14:37:47.122 CST [720] LOG:received SIGHUP, reloading configuration files 2021-06-07 14:37:47.123 CST [720] LOG:parameter 'db_connlimit' is not set to '2', because it must be bigger than superuser_reserved_connections=3.

  • 场景三:修改为其他无效值
postgres=# alter system set db_connlimit to -2 ; ERROR:-2 is outside the valid range for parameter 'db_connlimit' (-1 .. 262143) postgres=# alter system set db_connlimit to a ; ERROR:invalid value for parameter 'db_connlimit': 'a' postgres=# alter system set db_connlimit to # ; ERROR:syntax error at or near '#' LINE 1: alter system set db_connlimit to # ; ^ postgres=#

  • 场景四:修改为-1(关闭参数)看原生逻辑是否正常
postgres=# alter system set db_connlimit to -1 ; ALTER SYSTEM postgres=# select pg_reload_conf(); pg_reload_conf ---------------- t (1 row) postgres=# show db_connlimit ; db_connlimit -------------- -1 (1 row) postgres=# show max_connections ; max_connections ----------------- 10 (1 row) postgres=# show superuser_reserved_connections ; superuser_reserved_connections -------------------------------- 3 (1 row) postgres=#

[postgres@NickCentos:pg13.0:5432 ~]$psql -U testuser -d postgres psql: error: could not connect to server: FATAL:remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections [postgres@NickCentos:pg13.0:5432 ~]$psql -U testuser -d postgres psql: error: could not connect to server: FATAL:remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections [postgres@NickCentos:pg13.0:5432 ~]$psql -U postgres -d postgres psql (13.0) PG干O,天天象上! Type 'help' for help. postgres=# select count(1),usename from pg_stat_activity where backend_type='client backend' group by 2 order by 1; count | usename -------+---------- 1 | postgres 7 | testuser (2 rows) postgres=#

五、小结 尝试加入在线管理参数db_connlimit初步验证是符合预期的。这只是一个设想的方案,适不适合生产还得慎重考虑。在应用连接数异常暴增且不能重启的场景下,这个方案可以缓解一些压力,不至于修改最大连接数但不能重启生效那么尴尬,但是同时要考虑信号量等系统资源问题。
