
func (ch *chain) Start() { go ch.main() }

func (ch *chain) Order(env *cb.Envelope, configSeq uint64) error { select { case ch.sendChan <- &message{ configSeq: configSeq, normalMsg: env, }: ... }

if msg.configMsg == nil { // NormalMsg if msg.configSeq < seq { _, err = ch.support.ProcessNormalMsg(msg.normalMsg) if err != nil { logger.Warningf("Discarding bad normal message: %s", err) continue } } batches, pending := ch.support.BlockCutter().Ordered(msg.normalMsg)for _, batch := range batches { block := ch.support.CreateNextBlock(batch) ch.support.WriteBlock(block, nil) } ... }

msg.configSeq < seq这个很关键,是比对最新的configblocknum,一致就说明从设置configSeq开始到这里为止,起码没有config的变动,因为前面设置configSeq的时候已经做过有效性校验了,所以这里就不用再做了。但是如果msg.configSeq < seq真的成立,说明中间有configblock写入了账本,导致整个环境变化,前面的过滤不能保证有效,所以这里再做一次。
func CreateStandardChannelFilters(filterSupport channelconfig.Resources) *RuleSet { ordererConfig, ok := filterSupport.OrdererConfig() if !ok { logger.Panicf("Missing orderer config") } return NewRuleSet([]Rule{ EmptyRejectRule, NewExpirationRejectRule(filterSupport), NewSizeFilter(ordererConfig), NewSigFilter(policies.ChannelWriters, filterSupport), }) }

batches, pending := ch.support.BlockCutter().Ordered(msg.normalMsg)

func (r *receiver) Ordered(msg *cb.Envelope) (messageBatches [][]*cb.Envelope, pending bool) { ordererConfig, ok := r.sharedConfigFetcher.OrdererConfig() batchSize := ordererConfig.BatchSize()messageSizeBytes := messageSizeBytes(msg) if messageSizeBytes > batchSize.PreferredMaxBytes { // cut pending batch, if it has any messages if len(r.pendingBatch) > 0 { messageBatch := r.Cut() messageBatches = append(messageBatches, messageBatch) } // create new batch with single message messageBatches = append(messageBatches, []*cb.Envelope{msg}) // Record that this batch took no time to fill r.Metrics.BlockFillDuration.With("channel", r.ChannelID).Observe(0) return } messageWillOverflowBatchSizeBytes := r.pendingBatchSizeBytes+messageSizeBytes > batchSize.PreferredMaxBytesif messageWillOverflowBatchSizeBytes {messageBatch := r.Cut() r.PendingBatchStartTime = time.Now() messageBatches = append(messageBatches, messageBatch) } r.pendingBatch = append(r.pendingBatch, msg) r.pendingBatchSizeBytes += messageSizeBytes pending = trueif uint32(len(r.pendingBatch)) >= batchSize.MaxMessageCount { logger.Debugf("Batch size met, cutting batch") messageBatch := r.Cut() messageBatches = append(messageBatches, messageBatch) pending = false }return }

Orderer: &OrdererDefaults# Orderer Type: The orderer implementation to start # Available types are "solo" and "kafka" OrdererType: soloAddresses: - orderer.example.com:7050# Batch Timeout: The amount of time to wait before creating a batch BatchTimeout: 2s# Batch Size: Controls the number of messages batched into a block BatchSize:# Max Message Count: The maximum number of messages to permit in a batch MaxMessageCount: 10# Absolute Max Bytes: The absolute maximum number of bytes allowed for # the serialized messages in a batch. AbsoluteMaxBytes: 99 MB# Preferred Max Bytes: The preferred maximum number of bytes allowed for # the serialized messages in a batch. A message larger than the preferred # max bytes will result in a batch larger than preferred max bytes. PreferredMaxBytes: 512 KB

  1. 计算进来的msg的大小足够大,且超过了PreferredMaxBytes
  • 将已有的pending的msg都拿出来出包,然后加上新进的msg单独成包,一起返回
  • 将已有的pending的msg都拿出来出包, 准备返回
  • 将新进的msg加到pending中
  • 将已有的pending的msg都拿出来,返回
for _, batch := range batches { block := ch.support.CreateNextBlock(batch) ch.support.WriteBlock(block, nil) }

switch { case timer != nil && !pending: // Timer is already running but there are no messages pending, stop the timer timer = nil case timer == nil && pending: // Timer is not already running and there are messages pending, so start it timer = time.After(ch.support.SharedConfig().BatchTimeout()) logger.Debugf("Just began %s batch timer", ch.support.SharedConfig().BatchTimeout().String()) default: // Do nothing when: // 1. Timer is already running and there are messages pending // 2. Timer is not set and there are no messages pending }

case <-timer: //clear the timer timer = nilbatch := ch.support.BlockCutter().Cut() if len(batch) == 0 { logger.Warningf("Batch timer expired with no pending requests, this might indicate a bug") continue } logger.Debugf("Batch timer expired, creating block") block := ch.support.CreateNextBlock(batch) ch.support.WriteBlock(block, nil)

