Spring|Spring MVC请求处理(六) - UrlPathHelper类
Servlet 3.1规范中的路径
- Context Path定义为servlet所属ServletContext关联的路径前缀。若该上下文是处于服务器基地址的默认上下文,则这个路径是空串,这种情况请参考Tomcat的Context配置文档Naming一节。否则,如果这个上下文不处在服务器的根,则这个路径会以/开头但不会以/结尾。
- Servlet Path定义为请求路径中直接对应到映射的部分。这个路径以/开头,但当请求与/*或空串两种模式匹配时是空串。
- Path Info定义为请求路径中既不是Context Path也不是Servlet Path的部分,它要么是null,这是没有额外路径的情况下,要么是以/开头的字符串。
URL路径 在收到客户端的请求后,由Web容器来决定向哪个Web应用转发该请求。所选择的Web应用一定有最长的ContextPath与请求URL从起始处开始相匹配。URL中匹配的部分就是映射到servlet时的ContextPath。
- 容器尝试查找请求路径与servlet的精确匹配;
- 容器会递归地尝试匹配最长路径前缀。以/为分隔符,在路径树中一次步进一个目录。最长的匹配会决定由哪个servlet处理;
- 如果URL路径中的最后一段包含扩展名(如.jsp),那么容器会尝试匹配能处理扩展名的servlet。扩展名定义为最后一段中最后的点号(.)之后的部分;
- 如果前三个规则没有成功匹配,容器会尝试去为所请求的资源提供服务。如果为应用定义了默认servlet,则它会被使用。许多容器都提供了隐式的默认servlet。
- 以/开头并以/*结尾的字符串用于路径映射;
- 以"*."前缀开头的字符串用于扩展名映射;
- 空串""是特殊的模式,精确地映射到应用上下文的根,举例来说,对来自http://host:port/
/的请求,PathInfo是/,ServletPath和ContextPath都是空串""; - 只包含/的字符串表明是应用的默认servlet,这种情况下ServletPath是请求URI减去ContextPath,PathInfo是null;
- 其他字符串只会精确匹配。
实例1 将web.xml中名为dispatcher的servlet映射改为/*,根据映射规范第一条,它可用于路径映射。
- 根据URL路径一节,/spring-mvc的Web应用能与/spring-mvc/paths最长匹配,匹配的部分/spring-mvc即是ContextPath;
- 根据URL路径一节,映射到servlet时使用的路径是/spring-mvc/paths减去/spring-mvc,所以/paths会用于映射匹配,根据URL路径第二条匹配规则,/paths与/*匹配,根据“Servlet Path”一节,ServletPath为"";
- 根据等式规则可得PathInfo为/paths。
- 根据URL路径一节,/spring-mvc的Web应用能与/spring-mvc/paths最长匹配,匹配的部分/spring-mvc即是ContextPath;
- 根据URL路径一节,映射到servlet时使用的路径是/spring-mvc/paths减去/spring-mvc,所以/paths会用于映射匹配,根据URL路径第四条匹配规则,/paths与由默认servlet处理,根据映射规范第四条,ServletPath为/paths,PathInfo为null。
- GET方法:RFC2396第二章指出URI只能包含部分ASCII字符,除了这些字符都需要用百分号转义,但没有规定转义字符时使用何种编码。
- POST方法:Servlet 3.1规范3.11节指出如果客户端请求没有指定编码,那么默认使用ISO-8859-1解码POST数据。
Currently, many browsers do not send a char encoding qualifier with the Content-Type header, leaving open the determination of the character encoding for reading HTTP requests. The default encoding of a request the container uses to create the request reader and parse POST data must be “ISO-8859-1” if none has been specified by the client request. However, in order to indicate to the developer, in this case, the failure of the client to send a character encoding, the container returns null from the getCharacterEncoding method.
If the client hasn’t set character encoding and the request data is encoded with a different encoding than the default as described above, breakage can occur. To remedy this situation, a new method setCharacterEncoding(String enc) has been added to the ServletRequest interface. Developers can override the character encoding supplied by the container by calling this method. It must be called prior to parsing any post data or reading any input from the request. Calling this method once data has been read will not affect the encoding.
- 在server.xml配置文件的
元素上配置属性URIEncoding,如URIEncoding="UTF-8"。请注意从Tomcat 8开始,URIEncoding属性的默认值是UTF-8; - 在server.xml配置文件的
移除分号 与移除分号有关的方法如下:
public String removeSemicolonContent(String requestUri) {
return (this.removeSemicolonContent ?
removeSemicolonContentInternal(requestUri) : removeJsessionid(requestUri));
}private String removeSemicolonContentInternal(String requestUri) {
int semicolonIndex = requestUri.indexOf(';
while (semicolonIndex != -1) {
int slashIndex = requestUri.indexOf('/', semicolonIndex);
String start = requestUri.substring(0, semicolonIndex);
requestUri = (slashIndex != -1) ? start + requestUri.substring(slashIndex) : start;
semicolonIndex = requestUri.indexOf(';
', semicolonIndex);
return requestUri;
}private String removeJsessionid(String requestUri) {
int startIndex = requestUri.toLowerCase().indexOf(";
if (startIndex != -1) {
int endIndex = requestUri.indexOf(';
', startIndex + 12);
String start = requestUri.substring(0, startIndex);
requestUri = (endIndex != -1) ? start + requestUri.substring(endIndex) : start;
return requestUri;
- removeSemicolonContent方法根据removeSemicolonContent属性决定是移除请求URI中的所有分号内容还是只移除jsessionid部分,默认是前者,所以这两种情况都会移除jsessionid部分;
- removeSemicolonContentInternal方法移除请求URI中所有的分号内容,注意URI中每段都可以有分号,如/users/name; v=1.1/gender; value=https://www.it610.com/article/male等形式;
- removeJsessionid方法只移除请求URI中; jsessionid=xxx的部分而保留URI的其余部分(包括其他分号),移除jsessionid时不区分大小写。
public String decodeRequestString(HttpServletRequest request, String source) {
if (this.urlDecode && source != null) {
return decodeInternal(request, source);
return source;
private String decodeInternal(HttpServletRequest request, String source) {
String enc = determineEncoding(request);
try {
return UriUtils.decode(source, enc);
catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
logger.warn("Could not decode request string [" + source + "] with encoding '" + enc +
"': falling back to platform default encoding;
exception message: " + ex.getMessage());
return URLDecoder.decode(source);
}protected String determineEncoding(HttpServletRequest request) {
String enc = request.getCharacterEncoding();
if (enc == null) {
enc = getDefaultEncoding();
return enc;
- determineEncoding方法调用HttpServletRequest的getCharacterEncoding方法获取编码,若没有则使用默认的ISO-8859-1编码;
- decodeInternal方法使用上一步得到的编码解码URI,若不支持此编码则使用系统属性file.encoding指定的编码(从URLDecoder.decode的源码可得,注意该编码也是Charset类的defaultCharset方法的返回值)。
private String getSanitizedPath(final String path) {
String sanitized = path;
while (true) {
int index = sanitized.indexOf("//");
if (index < 0) {
else {
sanitized = sanitized.substring(0, index) + sanitized.substring(index + 1);
return sanitized;
解码并清理 decodeAndCleanUriString方法解码并清理URI,移除分号内容、清理斜线并解码
private String decodeAndCleanUriString(HttpServletRequest request, String uri) {
uri = removeSemicolonContent(uri);
uri = decodeRequestString(request, uri);
uri = getSanitizedPath(uri);
return uri;
getRequestUri方法 HttpServletRequest的getRequestURI方法的返回值未被容器解码且没有去掉分号部分且没有查询字符串,而UrlPathHelper类的getRequestUri方法会对该URI解码、移除分号内容并清理斜线:
public String getRequestUri(HttpServletRequest request) {
String uri = (String) request.getAttribute(WebUtils.INCLUDE_REQUEST_URI_ATTRIBUTE);
if (uri == null) {
uri = request.getRequestURI();
return decodeAndCleanUriString(request, uri);
getContextPath方法 HttpServletRequest的getContextPath方法的返回值未被容器解码且去掉了分号部分,而UrlPathHelper类的getContextPath方法会对ContextPath解码:
public String getContextPath(HttpServletRequest request) {
String contextPath = (String) request.getAttribute(WebUtils.INCLUDE_CONTEXT_PATH_ATTRIBUTE);
if (contextPath == null) {
contextPath = request.getContextPath();
if ("/".equals(contextPath)) {
// Invalid case, but happens for includes on Jetty: silently adapt it.
contextPath = "";
return decodeRequestString(request, contextPath);
getServletPath方法 HttpServletRequest的getServletPath方法的返回值已被容器解码且去掉了分号部分,所以UrlPathHelper类的getServletPath方法不再对其解码:
public String getServletPath(HttpServletRequest request) {
String servletPath = (String) request.getAttribute(WebUtils.INCLUDE_SERVLET_PATH_ATTRIBUTE);
if (servletPath == null) {
servletPath = request.getServletPath();
if (servletPath.length() > 1 && servletPath.endsWith("/") && shouldRemoveTrailingServletPathSlash(request)) {
// On WebSphere, in non-compliant mode, for a "/foo/" case that would be "/foo"
// on all other servlet containers: removing trailing slash, proceeding with
// that remaining slash as final lookup path...
servletPath = servletPath.substring(0, servletPath.length() - 1);
return servletPath;
实例验证 为了加深对这几个方法的理解,我们接着使用上文使用的项目调试,将war包文件名改为spring mvc.war,接着修改web.xml中的servlet映射,将DispatcherServlet映射到/patt"ern/*
发起Get请求:localhost:8080/spring%20mvc/patt%22ern; foo=bar/urlPathHelper; v=1.1//%E6%B5%8B%E8%AF%95?param1=val1,部分日志输出如下:
DEBUG c.s.controller.ServletInfoController - HttpServletRequest#getRequestURI: /spring%20mvc/patt%22ern;
DEBUG c.s.controller.ServletInfoController - UrlPathHelper#getRequestUri: /spring mvc/patt"ern/urlPathHelper/测试
DEBUG c.s.controller.ServletInfoController - HttpServletRequest#getContextPath: /spring%20mvc
DEBUG c.s.controller.ServletInfoController - UrlPathHelper#getContextPath: /spring mvc
DEBUG c.s.controller.ServletInfoController - HttpServletRequest#getServletPath: /patt"ern
DEBUG c.s.controller.ServletInfoController - UrlPathHelper#getServletPath: /patt"ern
- HttpServletRequest的getRequestURI方法的返回值未被容器解码且没有去掉分号部分,只是去掉了查询字符串,而UrlPathHelper类的getRequestUri方法会对该URI用UTF-8编码方式解码、移除分号内容并清理斜线(%20是空格,%22是双引号,测试两字的UTF-8编码是\xe6\xb5\x8b\xe8\xaf\x95)。
- 为什么Spring会用UTF-8解码呢,这是因为在web.xml中添加了CharacterEncodingFilter过滤器,为HttpServletRequest使用setCharacterEncoding方法设置了UTF-8编码,否则会使用默认的ISO-8859-1。如果不加过滤器的话则可以在Content-Type头添加charset=UTF-8,这是因为Tomcat在实现ServletRequest接口时getCharacterEncoding方法内部在setCharacterEncoding没有设值时会从Content-Type取得编码,不知道其他容器是否有这种类似的实现;
- HttpServletRequest的getContextPath方法的返回值未被容器解码且去掉了分号部分,而UrlPathHelper类的getContextPath方法会对ContextPath解码;
- HttpServletRequest的getServletPath方法的返回值已被容器解码且去掉了分号部分,UrlPathHelper类的getServletPath方法不再对其解码。Tomcat解码时采用哪种编码方式呢?这是由Tomcat的URIEncoding属性指定的,见上文编码一章。
public String getPathWithinApplication(HttpServletRequest request) {
String contextPath = getContextPath(request);
String requestUri = getRequestUri(request);
String path = getRemainingPath(requestUri, contextPath, true);
if (path != null) {
// Normal case: URI contains context path.
return (StringUtils.hasText(path) ? path : "/");
else {
return requestUri;
* Match the given "mapping" to the start of the "requestUri" and if there
* is a match return the extra part. This method is needed because the
* context path and the servlet path returned by the HttpServletRequest are
* stripped of semicolon content unlike the requesUri.
private String getRemainingPath(String requestUri, String mapping, boolean ignoreCase) {
int index1 = 0;
int index2 = 0;
for (;
(index1 < requestUri.length()) && (index2 < mapping.length());
index1++, index2++) {
char c1 = requestUri.charAt(index1);
char c2 = mapping.charAt(index2);
if (c1 == ';
') {
index1 = requestUri.indexOf('/', index1);
if (index1 == -1) {
return null;
c1 = requestUri.charAt(index1);
if (c1 == c2 || (ignoreCase && (Character.toLowerCase(c1) == Character.toLowerCase(c2)))) {
return null;
if (index2 != mapping.length()) {
return null;
else if (index1 == requestUri.length()) {
return "";
// mapping与requestUri全匹配,额外的部分当然是空串了
else if (requestUri.charAt(index1) == ';
') {
index1 = requestUri.indexOf('/', index1);
return (index1 != -1 ? requestUri.substring(index1) : "");
- getRemainingPath方法将mapping字符串与requestUri字符串相匹配,匹配过程中忽略掉requestUri中的分号部分。如果能匹配则返回requestUri除去匹配之外的额外部分,否则返回null。举个例子,requestUri是/data; v=1.1/users; foo=bar/extra,mapping是/data/users,那么该方法返回的就是/extra;
- 正常情况下,getPathWithinApplication方法将匹配之外的额外部分作为请求URI在web应用中的路径;
- 异常情况下,无匹配返回请求URI。
* Return the path within the servlet mapping for the given request,
* i.e. the part of the request's URL beyond the part that called the servlet,
* or "" if the whole URL has been used to identify the servlet.
* Detects include request URL if called within a RequestDispatcher include.
* E.g.: servlet mapping = "/*";
request URI = "/test/a" -> "/test/a".
* E.g.: servlet mapping = "/";
request URI = "/test/a" -> "/test/a".
* E.g.: servlet mapping = "/test/*";
request URI = "/test/a" -> "/a".
* E.g.: servlet mapping = "/test";
request URI = "/test" -> "".
* E.g.: servlet mapping = "/*.test";
request URI = "/a.test" -> "".
* @param request current HTTP request
* @return the path within the servlet mapping, or ""
public String getPathWithinServletMapping(HttpServletRequest request) {
String pathWithinApp = getPathWithinApplication(request);
String servletPath = getServletPath(request);
String sanitizedPathWithinApp = getSanitizedPath(pathWithinApp);
// 貌似这步有些多余,因为getPathWithinApplication方法已经对请求URI在web应用中的路径做了解码、移除分号内容并清理斜线操作
String path;
// If the app container sanitized the servletPath, check against the sanitized version
if (servletPath.contains(sanitizedPathWithinApp)) {
path = getRemainingPath(sanitizedPathWithinApp, servletPath, false);
else {
path = getRemainingPath(pathWithinApp, servletPath, false);
}if (path != null) {
// Normal case: URI contains servlet path.
return path;
else {
// Special case: URI is different from servlet path.
String pathInfo = request.getPathInfo();
if (pathInfo != null) {
// Use path info if available. Indicates index page within a servlet mapping?
// e.g. with index page: URI="/", servletPath="/index.html"
return pathInfo;
if (!this.urlDecode) {
// No path info... (not mapped by prefix, nor by extension, nor "/*")
// For the default servlet mapping (i.e. "/"), urlDecode=false can
// cause issues since getServletPath() returns a decoded path.
// If decoding pathWithinApp yields a match just use pathWithinApp.
path = getRemainingPath(decodeInternal(request, pathWithinApp), servletPath, false);
if (path != null) {
return pathWithinApp;
// Otherwise, use the full servlet path.
return servletPath;
- getPathWithinServletMapping方法与getPathWithinApplication方法相似,也利用了getRemainingPath方法;
- 正常情况下,ServletPath在URI中有匹配,getPathWithinServletMapping方法返回的是应用中的路径除去ServletPath;
- 异常情况没太看懂,好像是处理Javadoc最后一个例子的情况,但/*.test不是一个合法的映射啊……。
public String getLookupPathForRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {
// Always use full path within current servlet context?
if (this.alwaysUseFullPath) {
return getPathWithinApplication(request);
// Else, use path within current servlet mapping if applicable
String rest = getPathWithinServletMapping(request);
if (!"".equals(rest)) {
return rest;
else {
return getPathWithinApplication(request);
- 当设置为true时返回请求在应用中的路径;
- 当设置为false时,如果没使用整个URL定位servlet,那么返回请求在servlet映射中的路径,否则返回请求在应用中的路径。
参考文献 Servlet 3.1规范
- Activiti(一)SpringBoot2集成Activiti6
- SpringBoot调用公共模块的自定义注解失效的解决
- 解决SpringBoot引用别的模块无法注入的问题
- 2018-07-09|2018-07-09 Spring 的DBCP,c3p0
- https请求被提早撤回
- 遇到不正当请求怎么办
- spring|spring boot项目启动websocket
- Spring|Spring Boot 整合 Activiti6.0.0
- Spring集成|Spring集成 Mina
- springboot使用redis缓存