C++| C++ 入门教程(四) 程序流程结构

4 程序流程结构 【C++| C++ 入门教程(四) 程序流程结构】C++支持最基本的三种程序运行结构:

  • 顺序结构
  • 选择结构
  • 循环结构
4.1 选择结构
4.1.1 if 语句 作用:执行满足条件的语句
if 语句可以嵌套叠加
单行格式 if 语句 if(条件){条件满足需要执行的语句; }
多行格式 if 语句 if(条件){条件满足执行的语句}else{条件不满足执行的语句}
多条件 if 语句
if(条件) {满足的语句} else if(条件2) {满足条件1但不满足条件2的语句} … else {都不满足的语句};

#include #include using namespace std; class Pig { string name; int weight; public: Pig() { cout << "Pig constructed." << endl; } ~Pig() { cout << "Pig disconstructed." << endl; }void setName(string n) { name = n; } void setWeight(int w) { weight = w; } int getWeight() { return weight; } string getName() { return name; } }; int main() { string name; int weight; Pig pigA; cout << "Please enter the name of pig A: "; cin >> name; pigA.setName(name); cout << "Please enter the weight of pig A: "; cin >> weight; pigA.setWeight(weight); Pig pigB; cout << "Please enter the name of pig B: "; cin >> name; pigB.setName(name); cout << "Please enter the weight of pig B: "; cin >> weight; pigB.setWeight(weight); Pig pigC; cout << "Please enter the name of pig C: "; cin >> name; pigC.setName(name); cout << "Please enter the weight of pig C: "; cin >> weight; pigC.setWeight(weight); if (pigA.getWeight() >= pigB.getWeight() && pigA.getWeight() >= pigC.getWeight()){ cout << pigA.getName() << " is the heavieat." << endl; } else if (pigB.getWeight() >= pigA.getWeight() && pigB.getWeight() >= pigC.getWeight()){ cout << pigB.getName() << " is the heavieat." << endl; } else{ cout << pigC.getName() << " is the heavieat." << endl; }cin.get(); return 0; }

4.1.2 switch 语句 作用:执行多条件分支语句
switch(表达式) { case 结果1:表达式1; break; case 结果2:表达式2; break; case 结果3:表达式3; break; case 结果4:表达式4; break; case 结果5:表达式5; break; …… default:表达式6; }

注意:如果不加 break,后面的case之中的表达式会全部被执行!
if 和 switch 的区别;
switch 只能判断整型和字符型,不能判断一个区间
switch 结构清晰,执行效率更高。
问题:switch 能判断 C 风格或 C++ 风格字符串么?
#include using namespace std; int main() { enum Color{red,green,yellow}; Color color = red; int i = color; i++; color = Color(i); switch (color) { case red: cout << "The color is red." << endl; break; case green: cout << "The color is green. " << endl; break; case yellow: cout << "The color is yellow. " << endl; break; }return 0; }

4.2 循环结构
4.2.1 while 循环 作用:满足循环条件,执行循环语句
语法:while( 循环条件 ){ 循环语句 }
4.2.2 do while 循环 作用:先执行,再不断循环执行语句
do{ 循环语句; }while( 循环条件 );

PS. 需要注意,这个语句在while(循环条件)后需要加上分号。它相当于整个 do while 语句的结束。
#### 4.2.3 for 循环
语法:for(起始表达式. 条件表达式, 末尾循环体){循环语句}
4.3 跳转语句
break: 跳出当前循环或 switch
continue: 结束这一次循环进入下一个循环
goto: 跳转到你标记的位置,可以用来跳出多层循环
goto 标记; …… 标记: ……

