
Step 1 从视频中分离出音频(MP4->mp3)

def separateMp4ToMp3(tmp):mp4 = tmp.replace('.tmp', '.mp4')print('---> Separate the video clip {0}'.format(mp4))mp3 = tmp.replace('.tmp', '.mp3')if os.path.exists(mp3):print '\n\t{0} is detected. Skip. \n\tPlease delete .mp3 file if you need re-separate.'.format(mp3)returncmd = 'ffmpeg -i {0} -f mp3 -vn -loglevel fatal {1}'.format(mp4, mp3)print '\t{0}'.format(cmd)x = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)for log in x.stdout.readlines():print '[ffmpeg info] {0}'.format(log)for log in x.stderr.readlines():print '[ffmpeg error] {0}'.format(log)print '\tSuccess! {0} -> {1}\n'.format(mp4, mp3)

Step 2 根据时间轴多个音频合成一份音频(MP3->mp3)
def composeMp3ToMp3(arr = []):if len(arr) <=0 :print('--->Operate audio array is empty!')returnthisDir = os.path.dirname(arr[0])if (os.path.exists(thisDir + "/composeAudio.mp3")):print('--->{0}/composeAudio.mp3 is exist, if you need re-gennerate,Please delete it!'.format(thisDir))returnprint('---> Compose the audio :')var = ''for tem in arr:if os.path.exists(tem) == False:print '\n\t{0} is not exist! \n\tPlease make sure audio file be exist if you need compose.'.format(tem)returnvar = var + " -i " + temif var == '':print '\n\t{0} is empty. \n\tPlease check .mp3 file if you need compose.'.format(var)returncmd = 'ffmpeg {0} -filter_complex amix=inputs=2:duration=first:dropout_transition=2 -f mp3 -loglevel fatal {1}/composeAudio.mp3'.format(var, thisDir)print '\t{0}'.format(cmd)x = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)for log in x.stdout.readlines():print '[ffmpeg info] {0}'.format(log)for log in x.stderr.readlines():print '[ffmpeg error] {0}'.format(log)print '\tSuccess! {0} -> {1}\n'.format(var, thisDir + "/composeAudio.mp3")

Step 3 多个视频合成画中画效果<无声>(MP4->mp4)
def composeMp4ToMp4(arr = []):if len(arr) <= 0:print('--->Operate video array is empty!')returnthisDir = os.path.dirname(arr[0])if (os.path.exists(thisDir + "/composeVideo.mp4")):print('--->{0}/composeVideo.mp4 is exist, if you need re-gennerate,Please delete it!'.format(thisDir))returnprint('---> Compose the video :')var = ''temparr = []for tem in arr:if os.path.exists(tem) == False:print '\n\t{0} is not exist! \n\tPlease make sure video file be exist if you need compose.'.format(tem)return#split imagepng = tem.replace('.mp4', '.png')tempcmd="ffmpeg -i {0} -ss 00:00:2.435 -loglevel fatal -vframes 1 {1}".format(tem, png)print '\t{0}'.format(tempcmd)x = subprocess.Popen(tempcmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)x.wait()for log in x.stdout.readlines():print'[ffmpeg info] {0}'.format(log)for log in x.stderr.readlines():print'[ffmpeg error] {0}'.format(log)img = = img.size#ipadif (imgSize[0] > imgSize[1]) :temparr.append(tem)#mobileelse:var = var + " -i " + temimg.close()if (len(temparr) > 0):for tem in temparr:var = var + " -i " + temif var == '':print '\n\t{0} is empty. \n\tPlease check video file if you need compose.'.format(var)returncmd = 'ffmpeg ' + var + ' -filter_complex "[1:v]scale=w=176:h=144:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease[ckout]; [0:v]' \'[ckout]overlay=x=W-w-10:y=10[out]" -map "[out]" -movflags faststart -loglevel fatal ' + thisDir + '/composeVideo.mp4'.format(var, thisDir)print '\t{0}'.format(cmd)x = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)for log in x.stdout.readlines():print '[ffmpeg info] {0}'.format(log)for log in x.stderr.readlines():print '[ffmpeg error] {0}'.format(log)print '\tSuccess!\n {0} -> {1}\n'.format(var, thisDir + "/composeVideo.mp4")

Step 4 音频与视频合成
def communicateAudioVideo(folder):if (os.path.exists(folder + "/communicateVideo.mp4")):print('--->{0}/communicateVideo.mp4 is exist, if you need re-gennerate,Please delete it!'.format(folder))returnif ((os.path.exists(folder + "/composeVideo.mp4") == False) or(os.path.exists(folder + "/composeAudio.mp3") == False)):print('--->{0}/composeVideo.mp4or composeAudio.mp3 must be exist!'.format(folder))returnprint('---> Communicate the video :')cmd = 'ffmpeg -i ' + folder + '/composeVideo.mp4 -i ' + folder + '/composeAudio.mp3 -f mp4 ' \' -loglevel fatal ' + folder +'/communicateVideo.mp4'print '\t{0}'.format(cmd)x = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)for log in x.stdout.readlines():print '[ffmpeg info] {0}'.format(log)for log in x.stderr.readlines():print '[ffmpeg error] {0}'.format(log)print '\tSuccess!\n {0}and {1} -> {2}\n'.format(folder + '/composeVideo.mp4', folder + '/composeAudio.mp3', folder +'/communicateVideo.mp4')

