OpenCV|OpenCV 视频中火焰检测识别实践


OpenCV|OpenCV 视频中火焰检测识别实践



OpenCV|OpenCV 视频中火焰检测识别实践


#include#include using namespace cv; int redThre =49; // 115~135int saturationTh = 7; //55~65Mat CheckColor(Mat &inImg); void DrawFire(Mat &inputImg, Mat foreImg); int main(){ VideoCapture capture("test2.avi"); while (1) {Mat frame; capture >> frame; if (frame.empty())break; namedWindow("Control", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cvCreateTrackbar("redThre", "Control", &redThre, 255); cvCreateTrackbar("saturationTh", "Control", &saturationTh, 255); CheckColor(frame); waitKey(1); } return 0; } //The Color Check is According to "An Early Fire-Detection Method Based on Image Processing"//The Author is:Thou-Ho (Chao-Ho) Chen, Ping-Hsueh Wu, and Yung-Chuen Chiou Mat CheckColor(Mat &inImg){ Mat fireImg; fireImg.create(inImg.size(), CV_8UC1); Mat multiRGB[3]; int a = inImg.channels(); split(inImg, multiRGB); //将图片拆分成R,G,B,三通道的颜色 for (int i = 0; i < inImg.rows; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < inImg.cols; j++){float B, G, R; B = multiRGB[0].at(i, j); //每个像素的R,G,B值,动态地址计算法G = multiRGB[1].at(i, j); R = multiRGB[2].at(i, j); float maxValue =, G), R); float minValue = min(min(B, G), R); //与HSI中S分量的计算公式double S = (1 - 3.0*minValue / (R + G + B)); ////R> RTR>=G>=BS>=((255-R)*ST/RT)if (R > redThre &&R >= G && G>= B && S >((255 - R) * saturationTh / redThre)){, j) = 255; }else{, j) = 0; }} } //erode(fireImg, fireImg, Mat(3, 3, CV_8UC1)); //GaussianBlur(fireImg, fireImg, Size(5, 5), 0, 0); medianBlur(fireImg, fireImg, 5); dilate(fireImg, fireImg, Mat(5, 5, CV_8UC1)); imshow("Binary", fireImg); DrawFire(inImg, fireImg); return fireImg; } void DrawFire(Mat &inputImg, Mat foreImg){ vector contours_set; //保存轮廓提取后的点集及拓扑关系 findContours(foreImg, contours_set, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE); Point point1; Point point2; float a = 0.4, b = 0.75; float xmin1 = a*inputImg.cols, ymin1 = inputImg.rows, xmax1 = 0, ymax1 = 0; float xmin2 = b*inputImg.cols, ymin2 = inputImg.rows, xmax2 = a*inputImg.cols, ymax2 = 0; float xmin3 = inputImg.cols, ymin3 = inputImg.rows, xmax3 = b*inputImg.cols, ymax3 = 0; Rect finalRect1; Rect finalRect2; Rect finalRect3; vector::iterator iter = contours_set.begin(); for (; iter != contours_set.end(); ) {Rect rect = boundingRect(*iter); float radius; Point2f center; minEnclosingCircle(*iter, center, radius); if (rect.area()> 0){point1.x = rect.x; point1.y = rect.y; point2.x = point1.x + rect.width; point2.y = point1.y + rect.height; if (point2.x< a*inputImg.cols){if (point1.x < xmin1)xmin1 = point1.x; if (point1.y < ymin1)ymin1 = point1.y; if (point2.x > xmax1 && point2.x < xmax2)xmax1 = point2.x; if (point2.y > ymax1)ymax1 = point2.y; } if (point2.x < b*inputImg.cols&&point2.x > a*inputImg.cols){if (point1.x < xmin2 && point1.x>xmin1)xmin2 = point1.x; if (point1.y < ymin2)ymin2 = point1.y; if (point2.x > xmax2 && point2.x < xmax3)xmax2 = point2.x; if (point2.y > ymax2)ymax2 = point2.y; } if (point2.x < inputImg.cols&&point2.x > b*inputImg.cols){if (point1.x < xmin3 && point1.x>xmin2)xmin3 = point1.x; if (point1.y < ymin3)ymin3 = point1.y; if (point2.x > xmax3)xmax3 = point2.x; if (point2.y > ymax3)ymax3 = point2.y; }++iter; }else{iter = contours_set.erase(iter); } } if (xmin1 == a*inputImg.cols&& ymin1 == inputImg.rows&&xmax1 == 0 && ymax1== 0) {xmin1 = ymin1 = xmax1 = ymax1 = 0; } if (xmin2 == b*inputImg.cols&& ymin2 == inputImg.rows&& xmax2 == a*inputImg.cols&& ymax2 == 0) {xmin2 = ymin2 = xmax2 = ymax2 = 0; } if (xmin3 == inputImg.cols&&ymin3 == inputImg.rows&& xmax3 == b*inputImg.cols&& ymax3 == 0) {xmin3 = ymin3 = xmax3 = ymax3 = 0; } finalRect1= Rect(xmin1, ymin1, xmax1 - xmin1, ymax1 - ymin1); finalRect2 = Rect(xmin2, ymin2, xmax2 - xmin2, ymax2 - ymin2); finalRect3 = Rect(xmin3, ymin3, xmax3 - xmin3, ymax3 - ymin3); rectangle(inputImg, finalRect1, Scalar(0, 255, 0)); rectangle(inputImg, finalRect2, Scalar(0, 255, 0)); rectangle(inputImg, finalRect3, Scalar(0, 255, 0)); imshow("Fire_Detection", inputImg); }

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