
of a person : to shake because of fear, cold, etc.
2.squirm: to make a lot of twisting movements because you are nervous, uncomfortable, bored, etc.
3.proximity: the state of being near
4.stile: one of the vertical members in a frame or panel into which the secondary members are fitted
5.impose: to force someone to accept (something or yourself)
6.dumpster—used for a large trash container
7.graffiti: to draw graffiti on : to deface with graffiti
: pictures or words painted or drawn on a wall, building, etc.

8.vandal: a person who deliberately destroys or damages property : a person who vandalizes something
9.centaur: a creature in Greek mythology that is part human and part horse
10.glum: sad or depressed
【Chapter7】11.totter: to become weak and likely to fail or collapse
12.smudge: to make a dirty mark, spot, streak, etc., on (something)
13.impale: to cause a pointed object to go into or through (someone or something)
14.jostle: to push against (someone) while moving forward in a crowd of people
15.wrought: carefully formed or worked into shape
16.grille: a metal frame with bars running across it that is used to cover or protect something
17.rasp: to make a rough, harsh sound
18.breach: a failure to do what is required by a law an agreement or a duty : failure to act in a required or promised way
19.extricate: to free or remove (someone or something) from something (such as a trap or a difficult situation)
20.judder: to shake in a forceful way
21.surreptitious: done in a secret way
22.brusque: talking or behaving in a very direct, brief, and unfriendly way
23.sheaf: a group of things fastened together
24.dismantle: to take (something, such as a machine or structure) apart so that it is in separate pieces
25.prankster: a person who plays pranks on other people
prank: a trick that is done to someone usually as a joke
26.flummox: confuse
27.pummel: to repeatedly hit or punch (someone or something) very hard
28.plump: having a full, rounded shape : slightly fat
29.elaborate: made or done with great care or with much detail : having many parts that are carefully arranged or planned
30.sallow: slightly yellow in a way that does not look healthy
31.sepulchral: very sad and serious : very dismal or gloomy
32.unfaltering: not wavering or weakening : firm
33.slump: to sit or fall down suddenly and heavily
