很甜很撩的俏皮句子 爱情俏皮话

1、如果有人问你对象是谁 , 你就说是我 , 这个黑锅我背了 。
If someone asks who your girlfriend is, you say it's me. I've got this black pot on my back.
2、你想一夜暴富吗?你想身家过亿吗?你想衣食无忧吗?你想生活不用愁吗?不如跟我在一起 , 我们两个一起想 。
Do you want to get rich overnight? Do you want to be over 100 million? Do you want to have food and clothing? Do you want to live without worry? Why don't you stay with me? Let's think about it together.
3、吃了饭了吗?你看看我是不是你的菜 。
Have you eaten yet? You see if I'm your dish.
4、谈恋爱吗?二缺一 。
Are you in love? Two lack one.

很甜很撩的俏皮句子 爱情俏皮话


5、每次别人提到有关你的一切 , 我就在心里小声嘀咕一声 , 我的 。
Every time someone mentions everything about you, I whisper in my heart, mine.
6、你也太喜欢我了吧 , 为了见我竟然偷偷跑到我梦里 。
You like me too much. You sneak into my dream to see me.
11、反正早晚都得谈恋爱 , 和我谈怎么了?
【很甜很撩的俏皮句子 爱情俏皮话】To tell you the bad news, my thoughts on you have become more than simple.
8、不要让我再看见你 , 否则见你一次喜欢一次 。
Don't let me see you again, or I will love you once I see you.
很甜很撩的俏皮句子 爱情俏皮话


9、一到深夜 , 饿和想你都得忍住 。
In the middle of the night, you have to resist hunger and missing.
10、你的新衬衫真好看 , 我想请它吃顿饭 , 如果你有空 , 可以一起来吗?
Your new shirt is so nice. I'd like to invite it to dinner. Can you come with me if you are free?
11、反正早晚都得谈恋爱 , 和我谈怎么了?
Anyway, I have to fall in love sooner or later. What's the matter with me?
12、有空一起谈个恋爱 , 没空我继续暗恋你 。
When you are free, we will fall in love together. If you are not free, I will continue to fall in love with you.
很甜很撩的俏皮句子 爱情俏皮话


13、每个男孩子都应该有一个女朋友 , 如果你没有 , 那我就是 。
Every boy should have a girlfriend. If you don't, I am.
14、谈恋爱真的很麻烦 , 所以以后就麻烦你了 。
It's really troublesome to fall in love, so I'll trouble you later.
