【狮子的英语怎么读 狮子的英语单词是什么】
1、狮子的英语单词:lion,英 [?la??n] 美 [?la??n] 。
2、狮子是丛林之王 。The lion is the king of the jungle 。
3、她瞄得准,第一枪就打中了狮子 。Her aim was good and she hit the lion with her first shot 。
4、我们从车里看狮子,很安全 。We watched the lions from the safety of the car 。
5、她看上去像一头被夺走了猎物的狮子 。She looked like a lion baulked of its prey 。
6、狮子逼近它们的猎物 。The lions closed in on their prey 。
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