26:|26: Three tips on how to better at language learning

Three tips on how to better at language learning 【26:|26: Three tips on how to better at language learning】06/22/2017
The premise of these tips is that you can speak English.

  1. Practice for an influency exam. Setting an clear improvement goal can force to learn and practice. I aim to improve my English. So TOEFL or IELTS may be proper for me.
  1. Use extensive reading. Once you're already speaking, getting to read a lot can be a great way to expand your vocabulary. Getting graded readers can help you make the leap into full native reading situations. I have read a lot for the last 18 months. It helped me a lot to expand my vocabulary.
  1. Rewatch the old TV shows dubbed in the language. If watching native-language shows is too hard, rewatch the old shows you already know the plot to in the new language. This allows for extensive listening practice. I tried my best to watch movies in English subtitles several months ago. Now I can catch most of the meanu without subtitles when I am watch a movie.
By the way, I get all of above tips from Scott Young's blog.
2. Three moments of joy 13/30
Moment 1: I finished building my resume this afternoon.
Moment 2: My final dinner with my best friends is pretty good. I am honoured to meet them and make friends with them in the college.
Moment 3: I had phone call with my mom and sister. I will get my sister's Gaokao grade tomorrow.
26:|26: Three tips on how to better at language learning
A picture a word: commencement
