
//定义好水印 Logo 和水印颜色

private static Boolean isLogoImage=false; private static String logoText=""; private static Color color=new Color(220,220,220);

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ String imgFile="D://test/001.jpg"; InputStream in = null; byte[] data =; // 读取图片字节数组 try { in = new FileInputStream(imgFile); data = new byte[in.available()];; in.close(); } catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace(); }String originalFilename=StringUtils.substringAfterLast(imgFile,"/"); store(originalFilename,data); }

public static String store(String originalFilename, byte[] contents) throws Exception { InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(contents); return storeImpl(originalFilename, inputStream, false); }

private static String storeImpl(String originalFilename, InputStream inputStream, Boolean isTemp) throws Exception {String newPath = "D://test/product/" + StringUtils.substringBefore(originalFilename, "."); int[] newWidth = null; BufferedImage bufferedImage =; if (null == bufferedImage) {throw new BizException("invalid file name"); } if(isLogoImage) { newWidth=new int[3]; newWidth[0]=80; newWidth[1]=160; newWidth[2]=350; } else { newWidth=new int[4]; newWidth[0]=115; newWidth[1]=350; newWidth[2]=800; newWidth[3]=1200; }for (int i = 0; i < newWidth.length; i++) {int originalWidth = bufferedImage.getWidth(); int originalHeight = bufferedImage.getHeight(); //子图生成 if(bufferedImage.getWidth()>bufferedImage.getHeight()) {double scale = (double) originalWidth / (double) newWidth[i]; // 缩放的比例int newHeight = (int) (originalHeight / scale); zoomImageUtils(originalFilename, newPath, bufferedImage, newWidth[i], newHeight); } else{double scale = (double) originalHeight / (double) newWidth[i]; // 缩放的比例int newHeight=(int) (originalWidth/scale); zoomImageUtils(originalFilename, newPath, bufferedImage,newHeight, newWidth[i]); } } return null; }

private static void zoomImageUtils(String originalFilename, String newPath, BufferedImage bufferedImage, int width, int height) throws IOException { String suffix = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(originalFilename, "."); // 处理 png 背景变黑的问题 if (suffix != null && (suffix.trim().toLowerCase().endsWith("png") || suffix.trim().toLowerCase().endsWith("gif"))) {BufferedImage to = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D g2d = to.createGraphics(); to = g2d.getDeviceConfiguration().createCompatibleImage(width, height, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT); g2d.dispose(); g2d = to.createGraphics(); Image from = bufferedImage.getScaledInstance(width, height, Image.SCALE_AREA_AVERAGING); g2d.drawImage(from, 0, 0, null); //加水印 if (maxValue(width,height) > 799) {g2d.setColor(new Color(220, 220, 220)); g2d.setFont(new java.awt.Font("微软雅黑", java.awt.Font.BOLD, (width+height) / 20)); g2d.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_ATOP, 0.55f)); g2d.rotate(Math.toRadians(45),width/5,height/5); g2d.drawString(logoText, width/5, height /5); } g2d.dispose(); newPath = selectNewPath(width, newPath, suffix); ImageIO.write(to, suffix, new File(newPath)); } else {BufferedImage newImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, bufferedImage.getType()); Graphics g = newImage.getGraphics(); g.drawImage(bufferedImage, 0, 0, width, height, null); //加水印 if (maxValue(width,height) > 799) {g.setColor(new Color(220, 220, 220)); g.setFont(new java.awt.Font("微软雅黑", java.awt.Font.BOLD, (width+height) / 20)); ((Graphics2D) g).setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_ATOP, 0.55f)); ((Graphics2D) g).rotate(Math.toRadians(45),width/5,height/5); g.drawString(logoText, width /5, height /5); } g.dispose(); width=maxValue(width,height); newPath = selectNewPath(width, newPath, suffix); ImageIO.write(newImage, suffix, new File(newPath)); System.out.println("完成!"); } }

// 获取宽高最大值
private static int maxValue(int width, int height) { return width>height?width:height; }

private static String selectNewPath(Integer width, String newPath, String suffix) {if (width.equals(80)) { newPath += "_s80."; newPath += suffix; }else if (width.equals(115)) { newPath += "_s115."; newPath += suffix; } else if (width.equals(160)) { newPath += "_s160."; newPath += suffix; } else if (width.equals(350)) { newPath += "_s350."; newPath += suffix; }else if (width.equals(800)) { newPath += "_s800."; newPath += suffix; } else { newPath += "_s1200."; newPath += suffix; } return newPath; }
