
3.分析从句和短语的功能,例如,是否为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句或状语从句等; 以及词,短语和从句之间的关系;

1.Among the other startups positioning themselves as durable and ethical alternative to throwaway fadsarethe online retailers Zady, Cuyana,Of a Kind,Everlane,and The 30 Year Sweatshirt. 其他一些初创公司中的一家,它们将自己定位为一次性时尚的耐用和道德替代品,其中包括在线零售商Zady、Cuahan(类似的一种)和30岁的运动衫。
(Among the other startups是主语,are是谓语,the online retailers 是宾语positioning themselves as durable and ethical alternative 动名词短语作主语的后置定语,起补充说明的作用,to throwaway fads为目的状语)

2.Tom Cridland,a 25-year-old British designer and entrepreneur,launched The 30 Year Sweatshirt last summer to call to task fashion’s built-in obsolescence. 25岁的英国设计师和企业家汤姆克里德兰(Tom cridland)去年夏天推出了这款30年期的运动衫,呼吁人们关注时尚的内在过时。
( Tom Cridland为主语,launched为谓语,The 30 Year Sweatshirt 为宾语,to call to task fashion‘s built-in obsolescence.为目的状语,a 25-year-old British designer and entrepreneur为插入语解释说明主语)
3、 By cutting out brick-and-mortar expenses, wholesaling and retail markups,their products go for prices that might not scare off a generation raised on frocks that cost less than a Happy Meal. 通过削减实体成本、批发和零售提价,他们的产品价格可能不会吓跑那些穿着比“快乐餐”还便宜的连衣裙长大的一代人。
( By加动名词短语引导的方式状语,their products为主语,go为谓语,prices为宾语,that引导宾语从句,宾语
4.There was a time,not too long ago,when well-made clothes were standard, available in catalogues, malls,and chains stores. 曾几何时,做工精良的衣服还是标准服装,可在目录、商场和连锁店买到。
(There was a time为倒装句,when引导时间状语从句 there/here引导的倒装句,当主语是指物的名词时,采用全部倒装,如The bus comes here.为正常顺序。Here comes the bus为倒装)
5.That drop was largely the result of the globalization of the fashion industry and the movement of garment manufacturing from United States and other developed countries to low-wage factories,mostly in Asia. 它的下降在很大程度上是时装业全球化和服装制造业从美国和其他发达国家转移到低工资工厂(主要在亚洲)的结果。
( That drop为主语,was为谓语,the result 和the movement 为宾语from United States and other developed countries to low-wage factories,mostly in Asia.为地点状语)
6.Americansalso buy more clothing than they once did,on average 64 items and more than seven pairs of shoes per year—double What the bought annually in the 1990s. 【难句解析Unit4passage2】美国人也比以前购买了更多的衣服,平均每年64件物品和7双以上的鞋子-是上世纪90年代每年购买量的两倍。
( Americans为主语,buy为谓语,more clothing 为宾语,此句中用了more than 句型①主语 + be + more + 表语B + than + 表语A②主语 + be + less + 表语A + than + 表语B比……更……)
7.Reversing this logic is a tall order, and Gallardo and Gridland say that without more alternatives such as theirs,little will change. 扭转这一逻辑是一项艰巨的任务,Gallardo和Gridland说,如果没有更多像他们这样的替代品,几乎不会有什么改变。
( Reversing this logic 用动名词短语作主语,is为谓语,a tall order为谓语,and连接两个简单句,谓语say后that引导宾语从句)
8.Along with using The 30 Year Sweatshirt as a PSA for the pitfalls of fast fashion,Cridland is proving there is a market for durable clothing, having sold 5000 of the pullovers already. 在使用30年的运动衫作为快速时尚陷阱的PSA的同时,Cridland正在证明耐久服装的市场是存在的,已经售出了5000个套头衫。
(along with引导动名词短语,Cridland为主语,is为谓语,时态为正在进行时,proving为宾语及后面是宾语从句,省略了关系代词,having sold为现在完成时,省略主谓)
