

头文件 #ifndef __MLX90614_H #define __MLX90614_H #include "sys.h"void SMBus_StartBit(void); void SMBus_StopBit(void); void SMBus_SendBit(u8); u8 SMBus_SendByte(u8); u8 SMBus_ReceiveBit(void); u8 SMBus_ReceiveByte(u8); void SMBus_Delay(u16); void SMBus_Init(void); u16 SMBus_ReadMemory(u8, u8); u8 PEC_Calculation(u8*); float SMBus_ReadTemp(void); //获取温度值 void SMBus_DisplayTemperature(void); //在LCD第5,6页显示温度 #endif

源文件 #include "mlx90614.h" #define ACK0 #define NACK 1 #define SA0x00 //从机地址,单个MLX90614时地址为0x00,多个时地址默认为0x5a #define RAM_ACCESS0x00 //RAM access command #define EEPROM_ACCESS 0x20 //EEPROM access command #define RAM_TOBJ10x07 //To1 address in the eeprom#define SMBUS_PORTGPIOB #define SMBUS_SCKGPIO_Pin_6 #define SMBUS_SDAGPIO_Pin_7#define RCC_APB2Periph_SMBUS_PORTRCC_APB2Periph_GPIOB#define SMBUS_SCK_H()SMBUS_PORT->BSRR = SMBUS_SCK #define SMBUS_SCK_L()SMBUS_PORT->BRR = SMBUS_SCK #define SMBUS_SDA_H()SMBUS_PORT->BSRR = SMBUS_SDA #define SMBUS_SDA_L()SMBUS_PORT->BRR = SMBUS_SDA#define SMBUS_SDA_PIN()SMBUS_PORT->IDR & SMBUS_SDA //读取引脚电平/******************************************************************************* * 函数名: SMBus_StartBit * 功能: 产生起始位 * Input: None * Output: None * Return: None *******************************************************************************/ void SMBus_StartBit(void) { SMBUS_SDA_H(); // Set SDA line SMBus_Delay(5); // Wait a few microseconds SMBUS_SCK_H(); // Set SCL line SMBus_Delay(5); // Generate bus free time between Stop SMBUS_SDA_L(); // Clear SDA line SMBus_Delay(5); // Hold time after (Repeated) Start // Condition. After this period, the first clock is generated. //(Thd:sta=4.0us min) SMBUS_SCK_L(); // Clear SCL line SMBus_Delay(5); // Wait a few microseconds }/******************************************************************************* * 函数名: SMBus_StopBit * 功能: Generate STOP condition on SMBus * Input: None * Output: None * Return: None *******************************************************************************/ void SMBus_StopBit(void) { SMBUS_SCK_L(); // Clear SCL line SMBus_Delay(5); // Wait a few microseconds SMBUS_SDA_L(); // Clear SDA line SMBus_Delay(5); // Wait a few microseconds SMBUS_SCK_H(); // Set SCL line SMBus_Delay(5); // Stop condition setup time(Tsu:sto=4.0us min) SMBUS_SDA_H(); // Set SDA line }/******************************************************************************* * 函数名: SMBus_SendByte * 功能: Send a byte on SMBus * Input: Tx_buffer * Output: None * Return: None *******************************************************************************/ u8 SMBus_SendByte(u8 Tx_buffer) { u8 Bit_counter; u8 Ack_bit; u8 bit_out; for(Bit_counter=8; Bit_counter; Bit_counter--) { if (Tx_buffer&0x80) { bit_out=1; // If the current bit of Tx_buffer is 1 set bit_out } else { bit_out=0; // else clear bit_out } SMBus_SendBit(bit_out); // Send the current bit on SDA Tx_buffer<<=1; // Get next bit for checking }Ack_bit=SMBus_ReceiveBit(); // Get acknowledgment bit return Ack_bit; }/******************************************************************************* * 函数名: SMBus_SendBit * 功能: Send a bit on SMBus 82.5kHz * Input: bit_out * Output: None * Return: None *******************************************************************************/ void SMBus_SendBit(u8 bit_out) { if(bit_out==0) { SMBUS_SDA_L(); } else { SMBUS_SDA_H(); } SMBus_Delay(2); // Tsu:dat = 250ns minimum SMBUS_SCK_H(); // Set SCL line SMBus_Delay(6); // High Level of Clock Pulse SMBUS_SCK_L(); // Clear SCL line SMBus_Delay(3); // Low Level of Clock Pulse // SMBUS_SDA_H(); // Master release SDA line , return; }/******************************************************************************* * Function Name: SMBus_ReceiveBit * Description: Receive a bit on SMBus * Input: None * Output: None * Return: Ack_bit *******************************************************************************/ u8 SMBus_ReceiveBit(void) { u8 Ack_bit; SMBUS_SDA_H(); //引脚靠外部电阻上拉,当作输入 SMBus_Delay(2); // High Level of Clock Pulse SMBUS_SCK_H(); // Set SCL line SMBus_Delay(5); // High Level of Clock Pulse if (SMBUS_SDA_PIN()) { Ack_bit=1; } else { Ack_bit=0; } SMBUS_SCK_L(); // Clear SCL line SMBus_Delay(3); // Low Level of Clock Pulsereturn Ack_bit; }/******************************************************************************* * 函数名: SMBus_ReceiveByte * 功能: Receive a byte on SMBus * Input: ack_nack * Output: None * Return: RX_buffer *******************************************************************************/ u8 SMBus_ReceiveByte(u8 ack_nack) { u8RX_buffer; u8 Bit_Counter; for(Bit_Counter=8; Bit_Counter; Bit_Counter--) { if(SMBus_ReceiveBit())// Get a bit from the SDA line { RX_buffer <<= 1; // If the bit is HIGH save 1in RX_buffer RX_buffer |=0x01; } else { RX_buffer <<= 1; // If the bit is LOW save 0 in RX_buffer RX_buffer &=0xfe; } } SMBus_SendBit(ack_nack); // Sends acknowledgment bit return RX_buffer; }/******************************************************************************* * 函数名: SMBus_Delay * 功能: 延时一次循环约1us * Input: time * Output: None * Return: None *******************************************************************************/ void SMBus_Delay(u16 time) { u16 i, j; for (i=0; i<4; i++) { for (j=0; j>j))==0 && i>0) { BitPosition--; if(j<7) { j++; } else { j=0x00; i--; } }/*End of while *//*Get shift value for pattern value*/ shift=BitPosition-8; /*Shift pattern value */ while(shift) { for(i=5; i<0xFF; i--) { if((crc[i-1]&0x80) && (i>0)) { temp=1; } else { temp=0; } crc[i]<<=1; crc[i]+=temp; }/*End of for*/ shift--; }/*End of while*//*Exclusive OR between pec and crc*/ for(i=0; i<=5; i++) { pec[i] ^=crc[i]; }/*End of for*/ } while(BitPosition>8); /*End of do-while*/return pec[0]; } /******************************************************************************* * 函数名: SMBus_ReadTemp * 功能: 计算并返回温度值 * Return: SMBus_ReadMemory(0x00, 0x07)*0.02-273.15 *******************************************************************************/ float SMBus_ReadTemp(void) { return SMBus_ReadMemory(SA, RAM_ACCESS|RAM_TOBJ1)*0.02-273.15; }/*********************************END OF FILE*********************************/

主函数 #include "led.h" #include "delay.h" #include "key.h" #include "sys.h" #include "lcd.h" #include "usart.h" #include "adc.h" #include "mlx90614.h" int main(void) { float a; delay_init(); //延时函数初始化 NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(NVIC_PriorityGroup_2); //设置中断优先级分组为组2:2位抢占优先级,2位响应优先级 uart_init(115200); //串口初始化为115200 LED_Init(); //LED端口初始化 LCD_Init(); SMBus_Init(); while(1) {a = SMBus_ReadTemp(); printf("温度 = %f℃\r\n",a); LED0=!LED0; delay_ms(250); } }
