linux|linux mv 类型过滤


[huangxinzhen@localhost cxx]$ find . -type f -exec mv {} t1 \; mv: `./t1/test' and `t1/test' are the same file [huangxinzhen@localhost cxx]$ find . -type f -exec mv {} t1/ \; mv: `./t1/test' and `t1/test' are the same file mv: `./t1/Makefile' and `t1/Makefile' are the same file mv: `./t1/main.c~' and `t1/main.c~' are the same file mv: `./t1/main.o' and `t1/main.o' are the same file mv: `./t1/main.c' and `t1/main.c' are the same file mv: `./t1/tags' and `t1/tags' are the same file mv: `./t1/Makefile~' and `t1/Makefile~' are the same file mv: `./t1/Session.vim' and `t1/Session.vim' are the same file [huangxinzhen@localhost cxx]$ ll t1 total 48 -rw-------. 1 huangxinzhen huangxinzhen 5009 Mar8 23:23 main.c -rw-------. 1 huangxinzhen huangxinzhen 5004 Mar8 23:22 main.c~ -rw-rw-r--. 1 huangxinzhen huangxinzhen 4172 Mar8 23:23 main.o -rw-r--r--. 1 huangxinzhen huangxinzhen152 Mar8 23:20 Makefile -rw-r--r--. 1 huangxinzhen huangxinzhen149 Mar8 23:18 Makefile~ -rw-rw-r--. 1 huangxinzhen huangxinzhen 4022 Mar8 23:24 Session.vim -rw-r--r--. 1 huangxinzhen huangxinzhen646 Jul 132013 tags -rwxrwxr-x. 1 huangxinzhen huangxinzhen 7484 Mar8 23:23 test [huangxinzhen@localhost cxx]$ ll

移动虽然成功了,可就是出现are the same file,不知道是怎么回事。
