$【英语】之|能量英语(三) 之 “情感把控 II ”

能量英语(三) 之 “情感把控 II ”

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$【英语】之|能量英语(三) 之 “情感把控 II ”

焦虑、担心、紧张的越多,我们的学习效率就月底下。Stephen Krashen 博士,在这

都要学习,我必须只是掌握20000个的词汇量, 我必须听3000小时的英语。 有了这些观
念之后,你会有生么样的心情? 肯定会有紧张、焦虑,或许产生压力,对吗?也许你会





这就是典型的把精力集中在考试上,考试可不等同于现实,Tony Robbins 常常说,考




$【英语】之|能量英语(三) 之 “情感把控 II ”

舞台上,,, ,,,

这些有没有让你更具激情,激动人心,感觉更有动力?想象一下,你在世界都市 纽约


游经历,也许会生活或在国外工作,或许一个非常好的工作,,, ,,, 这些,你都

好的,这就是“情绪掌控 二”的主要内容,马上行动,列下清单,在自己每天或每

英语音频地址:点击打开链接访问密码: cb3e

Power、Efortless English

Hello and welcome to the next lesson “EmotionalMastery 2.”

So in Emotional Mastery 1 welearned about changing our physiology,
changing our bodies to change ouremotions.Remember in that less I said there
are two ways to change youremotions. Number one is physiology, we talked
about that.

There is something else you can change so you can bein a peak emotional
state as you learn English and that is your focus, yourmental focus.

What you think about consistently, that will changeyour emotion also.So
what do I mean by mental focus? How do you change yourmental focus? What
should you focus on? What should you not focus on?

$【英语】之|能量英语(三) 之 “情感把控 II ”

First, let’s talk about thenegative. What should you not focus on?Try to
remember when you were in school in yourEnglish classes.

What did you focus on when you were in school? Whatdid you think about,
worry about, consistently, frequently?Well probably tests,right? That was
one I always thought about. You probably were focused on testsa lot.“I
gotta pass this test, I gotta pass this test.” Tests, and thengrades.“Will
I get an A? Will I get a B? Will I get a C? Will I fail thiscourse?”

So you were thinking about judgment, other peoplejudging you, the teacher
judging you, getting a grade, getting a score.How didyou feel about that?
When you think about tests, tests, tests a lot and youthink a lot about a
score, a grade, A, B, C.Or maybe now you’re thinking aboutthe TOEFL exam
and you’re worried “What number will I get on the TOEFL exam?”How does
that affect your emotions?

Do you feel more relaxed or more stressful?Well, mostpeople feel more
stressful, of course. The more you think about judgment, themore you think
about a test score, the more nervous you become, the moreworried you
become.And that’s not good. You actually learn more slowly whenyou’re
worried.You learn more slowly when you’re nervous, when you haveanxiety.

Again, I’ll talk about Dr.Stephen Krashen, ourfavorite researcher.
Anxiety is a major part of his research. It is the singlenumber one most
negative factor in language acquisition, in language learning. Anxietymeans
worry or stress and there are many, many studies about this.

They study different language learners, study different English learners.
And they putthem in a situation where they are more stressed or more
worried. And they haveothers that are in a more relaxed situation. And the
relaxed students alwayslearn better and faster.

So let’s say after six months the relaxed studentswill have better
grammar, better pronunciation, better listening andunderstanding, better
writing skill, better everything.

The anxious students, the worried, nervous students,the stressed students,
of course, have worse pronunciation, worse speakingability, less vocabulary,
worse writing, less listening comprehension,listening understanding.

So what was happening in school was you were actuallylearning to fail. You
were training yourself to be stressed and nervous. Youwere training yourself
to focus on things, tests, grades, teacher’s opinion ofyou, that make you
feel nervous and that nervousness made you learn moreslowly. So you don’t
want to focus on that.

Something else you don’t want to focus on. You don’twant to focus on
every small step to reach your goal.Your goal is to speakexcellent English,
to feel strong and confident when you speak.That’s a greatgoal. But what
happens if you focus on everything you must do to reach thegoal?

For example, you think “Oh god, to become a great speakerthat means I’ve
got to study every day. I’ve got to learn 20,000 vocabularywords. I’ve got
to listen to 2 or 3,000 hours of English.” How does that makeyou feel?
Probably a little nervous, probably stressed, right, you think “Oh mygod,
it’s too much.”

So you don’t want to focus on the little individualsteps because it’s
going to seem huge, it’s going to seem so big it’s going tokill your

What else do you not want to focus on? Problems.Problems, so many students
focus on problems. In my classes inSan Franciscothey come to me “AJ,
my pronunciation is bad. AJ I make grammar mistakes.” Well, of course you
do.You’re a student. You’re learning. It’s normal. You’re going to make
mistakes. You’regoing to have problems sometimes. You’re going to make a
mistake with yourpronunciation. I do, I’m a native speaker, I’m an English
teacher. I makemistakes all the time.It’s normal. You can’t focus on it.
If you focus on it,if you focus on the negative, if you focus on mistakes,
if you focus on problemsyour emotions become weaker and weaker.You actually
get worse.

So you just need to relax about this. Everybody ishuman. Everybody makes
mistakes. It’s a normal thing.

Finally, you do not want to focus on the past. Most ofmy students have
very negative experiences with English from the past. Most didnot enjoy
their English classes in school. When I ask about their past
withEnglish “Oh, oh, it was terrible.” People tell me, students tell me
“I’m notgood at English. I was always bad in my English classes. I’ve
studied for 6 years, 8 years, 10 years, still I cannot speak well.”

Focused on the past, well the past is not the same asthe present. The past
doesn’t equal the future as Tony Robbins likes to say.

And it’s true. In the past you used very oldtraditional methods that made
you feel bad.Sitting in a class still, notmoving, being graded and tested
constantly.Studying boring grammar textbooks,that’s not a method for
success for most people. Some people succeed with thatbut very few.So the
past was different. You’re now learning in a very differentway. You are
different now. Don’t focus on the past.

Alright, so enough of what not to do. What should youfocus on if you want
to be happy, if you want to be excited, if you want tolearn very quickly,
faster than before. What should you focus on? What shouldyou think about
consistently all the time?

$【英语】之|能量英语(三) 之 “情感把控 II ”

Well number one, instead of focusing on the littlesteps and all the little
problems, instead focus on the end result. The finalresult, that’s what you
need to focus on.Focus on your ultimate success.

So in other words use your imagination and seeyourself, imagine yourself
speaking English fluently, quickly.Imagine yourselfsmiling as you speak
English with a native speaker.Imagine yourself feeling strongand confident
as you speak English easily, effortlessly.

Every day focus on this thought, the end result.

What you will ultimately reach,ultimately achieve, what you will finally
do.Focus on the end result every day,the final result. Do not focus on the
little steps you must take everyday.Focus on the final result every day.

Second, focus on the purpose, the reason you arelearning English.I mean
why?If your purpose is to take the TOEFL exam, you’regoing to be stressed
and depressed. Nobody is excited about a test, nobody Iknow. That’s not a
good emotional thing to focus on. It’s not a good reason tolearn English.
Taking a test is a terrible reason because it makes you feelstressed,
nervous, tired and bored.You need bigger, better reasons. Yes, maybeyou need
to take the TOEFL exam but why?Why do you want to pass the TOEFLexam?Maybe
you want a great job that requires English, where you can use Englishin
international trade perhaps.Maybe you want to study in the United States,
go to a University in the United States, have a great adventure in
another country.Well that makes you feel good, right, thinking about that?
Imagine yourself in New York City orin San Francisco, meeting native
speakers, talking effortlessly, easily.Makingnew friends, a great new job
with more money, now those are great things tofocus on.

So you want to focus on compelling strong reasons whyyou’re learning
English, why it’s important, the benefits, things that make youfeel great.
Do not focus on a test, please.

So those are the two things, you focus on the endresult and they’re
related, they’re basically the same thing.Number two you focus on the
reasons why, thepurpose. So you have to imagine very vividly, very strongly
in your head whatit is you will finally do.

See the end result. And then feel the emotions. Thelast step is you want to
see the end result with emotion, let yourself feelthat it’s real.So when
you focus on speaking great English, feel the emotions.Feel proud. Feel
happy. Feel confident. Smile big.Imagine how you will feelspeaking excellent

Okay, so let’sreview very quickly about focus.The main thing about
focus, it’s very, verysimple. You’re going to focus on the end
result, the final result. You want tofocus on the thing that makes you
feel great, the situation, the benefits, allthe great things that will
improve in your life by speaking excellent English.That’s what you
need to focus on every day.

Write it down. Write down, make a list of all thegreat things that will
happen in your life when you speak excellent English.Newfriends, maybe?
Maybe great new travel experiences. Maybe living or workingabroad. Maybe a
better job.I don’t know, you have to make your own list, butmake it a big
list. Write down all the great things that will happen in yourlife and then
every day focus on those.Review those every day. Teach your brain to
focus on these positive inspiringthings, not on these negative things,
not on problems, not on the past.

Okay, so that is it for this main speech on “EmotionalMastery 2.”
Focus.Next let’s listen to the vocabulary and then we’ll have themini-

【$【英语】之|能量英语(三) 之 “情感把控 II ”】
