
【我用Python--study】#Random to get the brand

import random brandlists=['HuaWei','Apple','Vivo','mi','OPPO'] #random.seed(0) x=random.randint(0,4) name=brandlists[x] print(name)

#get a security code
import random list1 = [] for i in range(4): a=random.randrange(0,10) list1.append(str(a)) sc = "".join(list1) print(sc)#get a security code(with letter and number) import random list2 = [] for i in range(4): b=random.randrange(0,10) if b < 5: num=random.randrange(65,91) list2.append(chr(num)) else: num1=random.randrange(0,10) list2.append(str(num1)) sc2 = "".join(list2) print(sc2)

#open txt and select the useful information
f=open("name.txt") names=f.readlines() f.close() f=open("vote.txt") votes=f.readlines() f.closef=open("vote1.txt","w") D={} NUM=0 for vote in votes: num = len(vote.split()) if num==1 and vote in names: D[vote[:-1]]=D.get(vote[:-1],0)+1 NUM+=1 else: f.write(vote) f.close() l=list(D.items()) l.sort(key=lambda s:s[:1],reverse=True) name=[0][0] score=[0][1] print("useful_numbers:{} person:{},numbers:{}".format(NUM,names,score))

#gey the decimal
a = eval(input("please input number: ")) b = int(a) c = a-b print("{}".format(round(c,4)))

#Using number get the letter
s = input("please input one number: ") print("get one letter: {}".format(chr(ord('a')+int(s)-1)))

import jieba s = input("请输入一个字符串") n = len(s)#len进行词数统计时要进行列表形式的转换 m = len(jieba.lcut(s))#jieba.lcut分词后,使得数据变成列表型数据(可以用:type(jieba.lcut(s) 测试)) print("中文字符数为{},中文词语数为{}。".format(n,m))

import jieba excludes = {"我爱","学习",\ \ "学习","爱我","我爱","学习",\ \ "学习","爱我","我爱","学习",\ \ "学习","爱我"} f = open("文本.txt","r",encoding = 'UTF-8') txt = f.read() f.close() words = jieba.lcut(txt) counts = {} for word in words: if len(word)==1: continue else: counts[word]=counts.get(word,0)+1 for word in excludes: del(counts[word])#删除不需要的词items = list(counts.items())#加入items使得键和值都转换成列表保留 items.sort(key=lambdax:x[1],reverse = True)#sort排序 reverse = True降序 False升序键值排序参数 lamda x:x[1] for i in range(15): word,count = items[i] print("{0:<10} {1:>5}".format(word,count))#0指word,1指count; :<左对齐,:>右对齐; 10,5表示宽度

n = eval(input("请输入数量:")) #cost = n*160*折扣(if elif) if n<=1: cost = n*160*1 elif n<=4: cost = n*160*0.9 elif n<=9: cost = n*160*0.8 else: cost = n*160*0.7cost = int(cost) print("总金额:",cost)
