
//BrainTree ios https://developers.braintreepayments.com/start/hello-client/ios/v4
* 获取 payment-method-once 参数
-( void )getPaymentMethodOnceWithClientToken:( NSString *)ClientToken{
// or fetch a client token
BTAPIClient *braintreeClient = [[ BTAPIClient alloc ] initWithAuthorization :ClientToken];
BTCardClient *cardClient = [[ BTCardClient alloc ] initWithAPIClient :braintreeClient];
BTCard *card = [[ BTCard alloc ] initWithNumber : self . creditNumField . text
expirationMonth : self . monthField . text
expirationYear : self . yearField . text
cvv : self . cvvField . text ];
[cardClient tokenizeCard :card
completion :^( BTCardNonce *tokenizedCard, NSError *error) {
// Communicate the tokenizedCard.nonce to your server, or handle error

self . paymentMethodOnce = tokenizedCard. nonce ;
NSLog ( @"self.paymentMethodOnce====%@" , self . paymentMethodOnce );
if ( self . paymentMethodOnce . length > 0 ) {
// 执行绑定方法
[ self requestBindCreditCardWithPaymentMethodnonce : self . paymentMethodOnce ];
} else {
[[ Loading shareLoading ] stopLoading ];
}]; }

//测试用信用卡号码 https://developers.braintreepayments.com/reference/general/testing/ruby
