3.|3. 流程控制语句

基于网络课程《Python全栈开发专题》 记录笔记,请支持正版课程。
# print, sep命令参数 print('Ruby', 'Python', 'java', sep=' | ') # print, end命令参数 print('Hello ', end='') print('World')

x, y = 10, 20 print(x, y)# 10 20# 交换两个变量的值 x, y = y, x print(x, y)# 20 10x += 1 print(x)# 21

Boolean类型 以下都等效于False:None, 0, "",(), [], {}
print('None =', bool(None)) print('0 =', bool(0)) print('\'\' =', bool('')) print('() =', bool(())) print('[] =', bool([])) print('{} =', bool({}))

print('' == False)# False print([] == False)# False print(bool('') == False)# True# 数字0 == False; 1 == True print(0 == False)# True print(1 == True)# True print(2 == True)# False print(bool(2) == True)# True print(12 + True + False)# 13

条件判断语句: if/else/elif
name = input("Your name:")if name.startswith("A"): print("Your name start with A.") elif name.startswith("B"): print("Your name start with B.") if name.endswith("B"): print("Mr. BB") elif name.endswith("C"): print("Mr. BC") else: print("Mr. Bx") else: print("Your name start with others.")

if - else 单行写法
''' 当if为真,b = a,否则 "" ''' a = [1,2,3] b = a if len(a) != 0 else "" b = [1,2,3]#结果a = [] b = a if len(a) != 0 else "" b = ""#结果

比较运算符 【3.|3. 流程控制语句】is / is not
# is 判断是否为同一个对象 # is not x = 1 m = 1 z = x y = (x+1)print(x is z) # True print(x is y) # False print(x is not y) #True

in / not in
x = 5 y = 6 all = [1, 2, 5]print(x in all)# True print(y in all)# False print(x not in all)# True

and / or / not
print(1 == 1 and 1 < 2 or 1 > 2)

value = https://www.it610.com/article/20 assert(value < 5)''' 控制台抛出异常: Traceback (most recent call last): File "H:\PythonWorkSpace\first-python\src\First.py", line 3, in assert(value < 5) AssertionError '''

x = 0 while x <= 10: print(x) x += 1

for 循环
nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] for n in nums: print(n, end=" ")

names = ['Tom', 'Jerry', 'Kitty'] # 等效: for i in range(0, len(names)): for i in range(len(names)): print(names[i], end=" ")

break & continue 略
while / for ... else 如果循环中break了,不走else。else代码块仅在循环正常退出时执行。
x = 0 while x <= 3: if x == 2: print() print('do break ...') break print(x, end=" ") x += 1 else: print() print('no break work:', x);

exec / eval 一个程序中,多次使用exec(),共享上下文:
exec('i = 1') exec('i += 1') exec('print(i)'); # 2

x = 5 exec('print(x)') # 5 exec('x += 1') print(x)# 6

codes = ""while True: code = input(">>> ") if code == "": print('=====', codes, '=====', sep='\n') print('输出:', end=' ') exec(codes) codes = "" continue codes += code + '\n' if codes == "exit()" + '\n': print('Bye Bye ...') break

练习:输出一个菱形 Python中,数字可以和字符乘!
# 打印菱形# 打印n个'*', 宽度为width, 居中显示 # def printer(n, width): #s, i = "", 0; #while i < n: #i += 1 #s += '*' #print(format(s, '^' + str(width)))# 打印菱形 def buildPicture(line):maxLine = (line - 1) / 2# 中间最宽的行# i 遍历行号 # x 每行要打印的“*”个数 i, x = 1, 1while i <= line:print(format(x * '*', '^' + str(line)))if i <= maxLine: x += 2 else: x -= 2 i += 1while True: print('---------------------------------------'); line = int(input('请输入行数(输入0退出):')) if line == 0: print('Bye Bye!') break elif not line % 2 : print('请输入一个奇数!') continue buildPicture(line)

num = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]for i in num: for j in num: if i < j: continue print(j, i, sep=" * ", end=' = ') print(format(i*j, '>2'), end="") print() print(format('\u6211\u7231\u5E2D\u59DD\u6850', '=^110'))
