How|How much do girls care about looks in her boyfriend?

I read out this question to my girlfriend and asked her opinion. She gave me look from top to bottom and said "Do you think you would have been my boyfriend if looks did matter?" and walked away slowly.
I don't know whether to feel happy or sad :|
B:I absolutely love how there are 21 answers on this question, and almost all of them are from guys telling you how all girls care about are looks. One even goes to point out how out of the 10 things a girl wants in a boyfriend, 5 of them are related to being 'good-looking'. Well done, guys. You all have women completely figured out. slow clap
Now, here's your answer, since I think you are in dire need of hearing one from a girl.
You know what I find ridiculously sexy in a boy? Ambition. Someone who is passionate about at least one thing in his life, so much so, that it shows in every conversation he makes. I can find myself nodding to everything he is saying, because that's how much I relate and support his thirst of 'getting off your ass and getting things done.' All this time, the only thing that goes through my head is 'THIS. THIS GUY.' and how I live for days like these, where I get to meet people who can make me feel like I'm on a mission.
【How|How much do girls care about looks in her boyfriend?】你知道我认为一个男生最有魅力的地方是什么吗?有抱负。一个人在他的生活当中能够有至少一件让其热衷沉迷的爱好,以至于,他讲话的时候常常围绕着这个话题。我发现我对他讲的总是总是感到无趣,因为我总希望他早点摆脱愚蠢然后把这件事情讲完。在这个时候,唯一出现在我的脑海里的是“这个、这个男人”和我要如何与他度过接下来的的日子,我得去哪里才能找到一个能够让我感觉到生命力的人。
This is what I look for in a boy, and if he can get one genuine laugh out of me during the evening, whether it is on a silly little pun or a hilarious sexual innuendo, he has all my attention.
This is what I find hot. I'd rather be with Mr. Personality over here than be with Mr. Cheekbones across the room. Hell, I've probably not even noticed Mr. Cheekbones across the room.
I called up my boyfriend yesterday in the middle of the afternoon, to get a male perspective on a question I was answering on Quora about feminism. Best and the most intellectually satisfying conversation I've had all week. This is what I'm attracted to. This is what gets me going. This is what turns me on.
