2019圣诞节来历简介英文版_圣诞节的故事英文版短篇 圣诞节日来历( 三 )

Harbin 100 years old Ambilight Christmas (12) VOD), a day after 23 days, the sun god halls revive, became the new God of ancient cases (Koleda). In the Aegean civilization, this day is called cases receiving section (Lenaia), the first day is a Greek mention Los calendar, is a memorial of Dio Nirsos was Matsuriji Minade girl pieces and eat again to generate the baby. And this festival affected the ancient Republic of Rome and become a commemoration Bacchus blue Maria (Brumalia, Latin for the shortest day). At the same time, the ancient Rome in December 17th to 23 in the week to commemorate the Rome myth of agricultural God Sasha tuor garadar Yunus (Saturnus) under the dinner party. Therefore these about the sun and the Indo European myth is the modern scholars believe is the origin of Jesus's faith. Not only is the memorial agricultural God's dinner and the sun god's birthday, but also in the early Christian Jesus image reference since Mitra gods and also
was born to the virgin, and the story is based on other mythology revive. Not only Newton think Christmas is determined according to the winter solstice, and sixteenth Century French rhetoric Professor Du Pusi (Charles Dupuis) and philosopher Fuerni (Constantin-Franç OIS Volney) pointed out that Christmas Jesus's life all is according to the sun through the ecliptic trajectory shaping, this point and Syria, Egypt and the Persian Sun God, all was born at the winter solstice, with Virgo rising, with Aries until the Vernal Equinox Day of resurrection, Maria is attached to Virgo, Jesus sheep metaphor is actually implied by Aries sun.
The origin of the Christmas tree
It is said that there was a farmer served a poor boy on a cold windy Chrismas Eve and gave him a big chrisemas meal. The boy cut a Fir tree's branch and inserted it into the earth.He said, "every year this time. there will be many presents in this branch. I wish I can pay back to your favor by this beautiful Fir tree. " After the boy left, the farmer discovered that the branch had grow up as a big tree. Then he realized that the boy was an envoy of the god. This is the origin of the chrismas day. In western countries, Whatever you are, everyone will prepare a chrismas tree to increase the happiness of the chrismas day. Chrismas trees are made of evergreen tree like Fir trees and they represent the long lives.People put candles,flowers,toys,stars on the tree and they put chrismas present on the tree. On Chrismas Eve,people sing and dance happily and they enjoy themselves around the tree.
据说 , 有一个农民服务可怜的孩子在一个寒冷的圣诞前夜给了他一个大大的圣诞餐 。男孩砍了一棵冷杉树的树枝 , 把它插进了地球 , 他说:“每年这个时候 。这一部门将会有很多礼物 。真希望我能报答你对这棵美丽的杉木的青睐 。”男孩离开后 , 农夫发现树枝已经长大成了一棵大树 。然后他意识到这个男孩是上帝的使者 。这是圣诞节的起源 。在西方国家 , 无论你是什么 , 每个人都要准备一棵圣诞树 , 以增加幸福的圣诞节 。
