2019圣诞节来历简介英文版_圣诞节的故事英文版短篇 圣诞节日来历( 四 )

圣诞树是常青树像松树 , 象征生命长存 。人们把蜡烛 , 鲜花 , 玩具 , 明星的树 , 他们把圣诞礼物在树上 。在圣诞节前夜 , 人们唱歌跳舞 , 愉快地享受自己在树 。
The origin of Christmas stockings
It is said that there was a goodness man went broke his domain. He lived a hard life and he has three daughters. The three daughters were being married but he didn't have money to buy dower for his daughters. On the happy Chrismas Eve three girls went to bed early. They didn't know that their father was so worried. At last the Chrismas father decided to help them . He besprinkled gold through the stack and the gold fell into the socks of the man's daughters. They lived a happy life from then on... Chrismas socks was origined by this.
【2019圣诞节来历简介英文版_圣诞节的故事英文版短篇 圣诞节日来历】传说有个心地善良的没落贵族 , 生活非常艰难 。三个女儿快要出嫁了 , 他为没有钱给她们买嫁妆而难过 。喜庆的圣诞夜 , 三个姑娘早早地蜷在炕上睡觉了 , 剩下父亲在长吁短叹 。圣诞老人决定帮助他们 。他在他们家的烟囱里撒下了许多金子 , 落进姑娘们烤在火炉旁的长统丝袜里 。从此 , 他们过上了幸福而快乐的生活……圣诞节的袜子就这样产生了 。
