


pops是持久性有机污染物,是一类具有长期残留性、生物累积性、半挥发性和高毒性,并通过各种环境介质(大气、水、生物等)能够长距离迁移对人类健康和环境具有严重危害的天然的或人工合成的有机污染物 。
关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约持久性有机污染物(Persistent Organic Pollutants,简称POPs)指人类合成的能持久存在于环境中、通过生物食物链(网)累积、并对人类健康造成有害影响的化学物质 。它具备四种特性:高毒、持久、生物积累性、亲脂憎水性,而位于生物链顶端的人类,则把这些毒性放大到了7万倍 。
持久性有机污染物( Persistent Organic Pollutants ,简称POPs) 指的是持久存在于环境中, 具有很长的半衰期, 且能通过食物网积聚, 并对人类健康及环境造成不利影响的有机化学物质[1] 。持久性有机污染物(POPs)是指通过各种环境介质(大气、水、生物体等)能够长距离迁移并长期存在于环境,具有长期残留性、生物蓄积性、半挥发性和高毒性,对人类健康和环境具有严重危害的天然或人工合成的有机污染物质 。
1 流行音乐;通俗音乐
Pop is modern music that usually has a strong rhythm and uses electronic equipment.
...the perfect combination of Caribbean rhythms, European pop, and American soul...
Which great British pop band had a hit with 'In the Army Now'?
...a life-size poster of a pop star...
I know nothing about pop music.
我对流行音乐一无所知 。
2 含气饮料;汽水
You can refer to fizzy drinks such as lemonade as pop .
He still visits the village shop for buns and fizzy pop.
他仍然去村里的小店买小圆面包和汽水 。
...glass pop bottles.
3 砰(或啪)的一声
Pop is used to represent a short sharp sound, for example the sound made by bursting a balloon or by pulling a cork out of a bottle.
Each corn kernel will make a loud pop when cooked...
每粒玉米在烹制时都会发出很响的啪的一声 。
His back tyre just went pop on a motorway.
他的后胎在高速公路上砰的一声爆了 。
4 发出砰(或啪)的一声
If something pops, it makes a short sharp sound.
He untwisted the wire off the champagne bottle, and the cork popped and shot to the ceiling.
他拧掉香槟瓶上的铁丝封口,瓶塞砰的一声直冲天花板 。
5 (眼睛因惊讶、激动等而)瞪出,鼓出
If your eyes pop, you look very surprised or excited when you see something.
My eyes popped at the sight of the rich variety of food on show.
看到展示的花样繁多的食品,我的眼睛都瞪圆了 。
6 迅速地一放
If you pop something somewhere, you put it there quickly.
Marianne got a couple of mugs from the dresser and popped a teabag into each of them...
玛丽安娜从碗橱拿了几个杯子,在每个杯中迅速地放入茶包 。
He plucked a purple grape from the bunch and popped it in his mouth.
他从葡萄串上摘下一颗紫葡萄,往嘴里一塞 。
7 短时间去(某处)
If you pop somewhere, you go there for a short time.
He does pop down to the pub, but he seldom stays longer than an hour...
他确实会去酒馆小坐一下,但停留时间很少超过一小时 。
Wendy popped in for a quick bite to eat on Monday night.
温迪周一晚上过来匆匆吃了点儿饭 。
