
【梦想做某事译为英语】dream is to do、dream to do、dream of doing、 dream of均为梦想做某事 。
I dream to become an engineer.
我梦想成为一名工程师 。
At last she realized her dream of becoming an actress.
她最终实现了当演员的梦想 。
It was a dream to do online trading few years ago.
在线交易在几年之前还是个梦想 。
He had long nourished the dream of being an actor.
很久以来他一直梦想着成为一名演员 。
"My dream is to have one of my planes thrown to Earth from outer space," he says.
他说:“我的梦想是能让我的飞机从外太空扔回到地球上来 。
