


《方舟:生存进化》游戏一直在不断的更新,今天为大家带来玩家“Laughkaburra”翻译分享的新物种菊石图鉴,赶紧来提前了解一下吧 。



Wild: Usually found in the deepest parts of the water around the island, Amonitina multiamicus has a strange relationship with the other creatures of the deep. It must do something beneficial for them, since every nearby sea creature defends Ammonitina when it is attacked. What this distinct symbiosis is based on, alas, I have not yet discovered.
野生:菊石( Amonitina multiamicus)通常只在岛屿周围海域的最深处才能被发现,它具有与其他生物奇怪的关系 。它一定做了什么对它们有利的事情,因为只要在菊石被袭击的时候,周围的任何海洋生物都会主动前来保卫它(火鸡的灵魂) 。这明显是一种共生关系,可惜我仍然没有发现原因 。
Domesticated: Like many of the untameable ocean dwellers, Ammonitina still has enough utility to be a valuable hunting target. If a tribe is willing to risk the wrath of nearby would-be protectors, Ammonitina bile can be harvested from its corPSe's innards. This bile can be worked over with other chemicals to make many powerful concoctions, usually antidotes against the most powerful poisons and illnesses. Its shell, meanwhile, is rich in rare materials, presumable due to the creatures unique place among the island's food chain.
家养:就像许多无法驯服的海洋生物,菊石仍然有它被狩猎的用处,如果一个部落愿意引起所有的水生生物的公愤,那么就可以从菊石的尸体上收获它的胆汁 。这种胆汁可以用于与其他化学物质相混合来做成一种功能强大的调和物,这种调和物就通常被用于对抗疾病和毒物的解毒剂 。同时在它的外壳之中含有丰富的稀有材料,大概是因为它处于食物链中的独特地位 。
Ammonitina has also made its way into the deeper parts of underwater caves. Even within these caves, the creature will draw attention if assaulted, making harvesting its resource-rich shell a tricky proposition depending on what other dangers may be lurking nearby.
菊石也进入了水下的洞穴之中 。即使在这些洞穴中攻击菊石,周围的其他动物也会引起注意,使收获其资源丰富的外壳取决于可能潜伏在附近的其他危险,从而变成一个棘手的任务 。
