复杂的英文 复杂的英文

复杂的英文 , 但是这个名字听起来还是非常好听的 , 而且也是一个比较高大上的名字 , 不过这个名字却被网友吐槽了 , 因为他的名字实在是太长了 , 有的的时候还会出现重名的情况 , 所以很多人都觉得这个名字不好听 。但是其实这个名字是父母取的 , 而且还是一个非常有意义的名字 , 这个名字就是是张伟 。张伟这个名字是他的爷爷给他取的 , 因为他的爷爷姓张 , 所以他的爸爸妈妈就给他取了这个名字 。

复杂的英文 复杂的英文

problematic /?prɑ?bl??m?t?k/【复杂的英文 复杂的英文】These engines are quite problematic to fix. A repair is likely to be expensive.
onerous /?o?n?r?s/This system is very onerous and takes a long time to learn.
complicatedThis surgery is extremely complicated.Very few surgeons have the necessary experience to do it.
painfulMost people say the application process is long and painful.
challengingThis trek will be challenging. Make sure you bring the survival gear.
